Icons that don't execute a command

When I create a material, a material icon appears in the materials folder. If I want an icon to appear in the same folder, but it only has writing on it (not linked to a material, nor linked to anything), how do I make it appear in the materials folder?
Create a material.... what kind of 'material' ? a Material Preset ?
You can create a "dummy" .duf file (a short text file (notepad)) saved as say "dummy.duf", then create the 91x91 icon image wich should be named "dummy.png". You can also create a "dummy.tip.png" 256x256 (or bigger) image wich will pop up while hovering the mouse pointer on the icon. These image files must be in the same folder than the "dummy" .duf file.
You could also, of course, just create a .tip.png file for the actual preset.
Ho~,I was anoxic or sth...
Better use Script IDE to create an empty dsa file, or use Notepad to create one, type in '//info' and save as a *.dsa file into the folder. If one dbl-clicks duf file, there'll be an error message, while dsa file is 'silent'...
for instance: Info.dsa + Info.png ( 91x91 ) + Info.tip.png ( 256x256 )
thank you for teaching me this!
Don't mention it~ I just shared a trick
one more reason to mention it!
awesome ... I figured out the dummy .duf file thing, but the error message is annoying, so I will try the .dsa file thingy ... lots of brain power here in the forums!!!!! Thank you!
the hovering effect is super useful .... thanks so much!!
icons normally need to by 91x91, how about the size of the file that hovers .... how big can that be? I guess 256x256 based on what you wrote.
what exactly is the function of the .tip file .... some vendors include it (like with characters) ... some don't?
*.tip.png is just a 'big size' thumbnail. The vendor can use it to give users 'bigger and clearer preview' or 'more information / guideline', etc. Furthermore it could be a different image from the 91 x 91 *.png file.
The size of a *.tip.png could be 850 x 850 at most, as per my observation... but normally 512 x 512 might be enough... Still, it depends on the resolution of your monitor and users' monitors..