EVE 3022 issue

Hi, I was excited to get Eve and decided tonight to play with her. Or rather I tried to.
As you can see from the images.
I loaded the complete figure(this includes the shells etc)
She loaded fine. Looked good. I rendered. It worked.
But I wanted to try one of the settings with emissions on.
I applied it and....Whoa
it doesnt work.
I thought maybe it was the UV issue that I had had with a "wet" geoshell. But It doesnt seem to be.
I loaded a new fresh one, double checked the UV so I know what it is suppse to be.
Again. Went to change the material
Again it went wrong. I checked the UV that is set on the "one click loak" figure and it was set to "base female". Which is what it is set too, when you load it.
I have no idea how to fix this and get it to look like the promo images.
Any idea?
I thought maybe it was a lack of backdrop. So I added one..and you can then see the emissive map doesnt line up with the elements on the body. I have changed the "UV" setting and it hasnt helped at all

You should've selected the shell node - 'Eve 3022 Metal Geo Shell' other than the figure itself before applying the material preset...