Released! - Vincenzina for Genesis 3 ( Commercial)

chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

Vincenzina pronounced ( Vihn Chen Zee Nah) is a  Classic Meditteranean beauty.  Inspired by the Italian divas of the sixties, her simply gorgeous makeups reflect an era of days gone by.  Bold dark lips, simple shadows and cateye type liners accentuate her perfectly.

Vicenzina comes with a plethora of options including 9 different eyeliner options, 7 eye colors, 9 lip colors, 13 eye makeup colors, 7 nail colors,  and 3 Facial Contouring Makeups ( blush, bronzer and highlighter).  All of her options take use of the LIE which means you can build and layer all these options together.. and use on other Genesis 3 Female(s) characters.  Vincenzina comes with both 3DL and Iray shaders.

Vincenzina also comes with a no brows option, seperate genitals map, and both 3dl and iray shader setups. 

1000 x 1300 - 621K
1000 x 1300 - 631K
1000 x 1300 - 609K
1000 x 1300 - 643K
1000 x 1300 - 663K
1000 x 1300 - 747K
Post edited by chevybabe25 on


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Please, please, please let me keep some of my cash a little longer. crying

  • she's got a great unique look.

  • Thanks guys :)

  • She's beautiful, and I love her nose! I really do look at noses these days...she's got a lovely 'medium' skin, too... You and Gypsy are filling in my gaps for that range... :)

  • Aww - thanks :) 

  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012
    edited September 2015

    Oh wow!! This character sets the G3F bar really high! Fabulous work chevybabe25!!

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Let me add my accolades. You are very successful at creating distinctive interesting characters. Will be waiting for Vincenzina.

  • Thanks everyone !!  She was so much fun to make... Im finding G3 and IRAY just so very inspiring :0)


  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918

    She is very beautiful! Full of the spanish/mexican charm! : )

  • YES!

  • smiley Hopefully she does well! 

  • She's beautiful. Looks like I'll be buying my second G3F character ;-)

  • Thanks :)

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    OOOO - she should be released this week :) Stay tuned!

  • StormlyghtStormlyght Posts: 666
    edited October 2015

    OOOO - she should be released this week :) Stay tuned!

    Yay! Love your stuff!

    Post edited by Stormlyght on
  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    Aww thanks!!! :)

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    And she was released this morning.. happy rendering everyone :)

  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

    And she was released this morning.. happy rendering everyone :)

    Brilliant! Been looking forward to getting this character into my library. Thank you for a great character @chevybabe25
  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    Aww you are welcome :)  


    Now Ill try to be patient.. while I wait to see some pretty renders!

  • Very nice character. Sad thing it did not make it for PA sale - which a spent way to much money. But I have to get her anyway.

    @chevybabe25: May I ask two questions regarding the promos?

    You've mentioned the use of Nova Hair and DragonFly Hair. But from the pictures I cannot identify which one and the band from Nova hair is also not there. Did you combine those two hairs somehow?

    Her cloth look terrific. You've mentioned Xandra for Genesis there which is nice and also currently on sale. But from the images the original textures look rather simple. What shaders did you use to alter it? Available products or custom?


  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2015

    Hey Rod :)

    I combined the two hairs together.. and I hid the band from the nova hair.. and shut off all the longer hair from the dragonfly one. Then i just used the irayhair shaders by OOT at the other store ;)  Makes the most perfect updo!

    The textures on her outfit are called Subsided for Xandra also at the other store by OOT..  Xandra is such a pretty set too... Im surprised I dont see it in renders more often.


    Edited to add: I changed the diffuse colors on the outfit textures for the renders


    Post edited by chevybabe25 on
  • Thanks for the quick reply. First I'll have to get Vincenzina. But you are definitely right, your Nova-Dragonfly-Combo is the most perfect updo I've seen so far. Kudos!

    Unfortunately those two hairs are still "new" and out of their initial promotion. Wishlisted both and have to wait for an opportunity ;-) Might wait not that long for Xandra as that one is currently discounted as well as OOT's texture. By the way: OOT's textures really add to certain products which seemed not that special before, at least from my point of view.

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    You are so very welcome :)

    Agree - OOT does some really fantastic stuff!

  • I am going to be buying this character very soon but I wanted to chime in on the general feedback. I love how unique she is and can't wait to get a hold of her. My mind immediately went to Romany when I saw her and set off my imagination of some renders/stories I could use her for!

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    She has a great unique quality about her.  Very nice!  I definitely see the mediterrean influences.   In a few of the promos there's just a hint of Penelope Cruz

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2015

    Thanks FB :)

    Ooops.. forgot to thank you as well Riggs.. Im glad you all like her!

    Post edited by chevybabe25 on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Love the character actually, but can't afford atm - I wishlisted. Have the others you have released. I might actually prefer this one though.

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    Yeah the last month of sales have been a killer on my own pocketbook.. I picked up soo much stuff..  I can totally sympathize :)

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited October 2015

    Tried very hard, but absolutely could not resist her. She's distinctive, rather han just generically pretty.


    My first thought between the nose and eyeliners was Maria Callas


    Here's a quick render:

    Vincenzina fin.png
    700 x 910 - 522K
    Post edited by j cade on
  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    WOW!! Just  absolutely gorgeous!!! And its a quick render.. wow :0)

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