How to get dForce hair to render correctly?

FalcoFalco Posts: 241

Hi, I've purchased probably a dozen dforce hair products and never been able to get a single one to render correctly to look like the promo images despite a lot of googling and trial and error.  I'd like to finally learn how to get dforce hair to render properly.  This example is the MRL dForce Mid Length Hair for G8 Female, and for me it looks like the image below rather than the promo image. 

- This has the materials it comes with applied. . 

- The Viewport Tesselation Sides and Render Line Tesselation Sides are both set to 3. 

- It looks exactly the same both in the iray viewport and the full render viewport.   

- Switching to different tool modes doesn't change the rendering.  

Any help would be appreciated.  I have a powerful workstation with a 3090 GPU, so I assume this is a software issue rather than a hardware one.

Post edited by Falco on


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128
    edited May 2023

    Cannot see your screenshots to understand the issue exactly... there's an error when opening the link... better use 'Attach a File' down below...

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • FalcoFalco Posts: 241

    crosswind said:

    Cannot see your screenshots to understand the issue exactly... there's an error when opening the link... better use 'Attach a File' down below...

    Weird, I checked on incognito and on mobile and they were visible for me.  I added the imgur links just in case though.   

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881

    You said switching tool mode doesn't change anything. What tool do you have selected? I really looks like you have one of the geometry editing tools selected, like Geometry Editor, Meash Grabber, etc.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    That screenshot looks like the PR hairs aren't rendering. Go to the Simulation section of the hair's parameters and make sure Generate PR Hairs is set to on. For the Iray preview, you can also enable Preview PR Hairs.

  • FalcoFalco Posts: 241
    edited May 2023

    I just have the universal tool selected. 


    I don't see a simulation section in either the object parameters or the surfaces editor.  Do I need to add that somehow if it doesn't exist?

    Post edited by Falco on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128

    Falco said:

    crosswind said:

    Cannot see your screenshots to understand the issue exactly... there's an error when opening the link... better use 'Attach a File' down below...

    Weird, I checked on incognito and on mobile and they were visible for me.  I added the imgur links just in case though.   

     Pls check these parameters....

    SNAG- 2023-5-13 00.png
    1759 x 1396 - 2M
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192
    edited May 2023

    It should be right above Line Tesselation.

    168 x 351 - 8K
    Post edited by Gordig on
  • FalcoFalco Posts: 241

    Yea, I don't have a simulation category there.  I only have one lower down, but there is no option for PR in there.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128

    It is under General - Simulation, not Display - Simulation...

  • FalcoFalco Posts: 241

    Yes I know, but there is no simulation category under general for me, that's why I posted the screenshot.  

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    Search for the parameter itself, then.

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,504
    edited May 2023

    Just in case,  dForce hair is often divided into two pieces: a head cap and the actual dForce hair.  Here I illustrate how to turn on the generation of the actual dForce hair strands using C! Spiky Hair (click on the picture to enlarge):


    2030 x 1440 - 2M
    Post edited by nemesis10 on
  • FalcoFalco Posts: 241
    edited May 2023

    Those hair parameters don't seem to exist at all for me, even when searching for the word "hair".  Does something need to be installed that I don't have? While I have the latest Daz, I have a pretty customized install with a lot of stuff having been turned on and off over the years.  I checked the plugin list and turned on everything related to hair or dforce, but it doesn't seem to have helped.   Is there a specific thing from DIM that I need installed?

    Post edited by Falco on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    nemesis10 said:

    Just in case,  dForce hair is often divided into two pieces: a head cap and the actual dForce hair.  Here I illustrate how to turn on the generation of the actual dForce hair strands using C! Spiky Hair (click on the picture to enlarge):

    The OP appears to have the actual hair selected, because there's a Line Tessellation parameter group visible. I don't understand why there isn't a Simulation group, though.

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,504

    Ah, This reminds me too much of my old job....  So, select your hair in the scene tab.   In the product folders, you should see this:

    • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:

      • “Documents”

      • “Hair:Long”

      • “Materials:Iray:Hair:Hair Colors”

      • “Materials:Iray:Hair:Settings”

      • “Render-Settings”

      • “Shaping:Apply:Partial Head”

    Render Settings should have the settings to make the hair generate strands.   Here is the file list to help you navigate:

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128
    edited May 2023

    No need to apply settings as there'll be no problem to have iray preview just after loading the hair by default...

    @Falco, pls go to:  your Daz Library\data\Mihrelle\MRL Mid Length Hair\MRL_Mid_Length_Hair\,  locate the file 'MRL MLH Base_74340.dsf'. Attach it down below. And you Ds log file as well, if possible..

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • FalcoFalco Posts: 241

    Thanks, this actually helped me figure it out. I uninstalled and reinstalled the hair, but that actually wasn't the problem.    

    What happened was that my dforce plugin was turned off in the settings before I tried using the hair.  I placed the hair object and it was created without dforce settings.  Then I turned on the dforce plugin, but any existing placed hair models still existed without dforce settings.  I just now placed the hair again once the dforce plugin was enabled, and it created the hair with the proper settings and looks correct.

    I also verified this was the issue by turning the plugin off again, and any hair objects placed while it was off are broken, and stay broken, but after turning it back on, any new objects work. TIL the dforce settings are created on object placement, which does make sense.

    Thanks to everyone for your help, I can use dforce hair products for the first time ever!


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128
    edited May 2023

    Hoho, you deactivated the dforce plugin...  never thought of that... My exp. +100 devil 

    Post edited by crosswind on
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