Grovebrook House - Light Materials Not Rendering

Good evening! I bought the Grovebrook House and when I apply the lighting options for the houses or the lamp posts - none of it illuminates. I select the house, apply the desired material like normal - nothing renders illuminated.
I have tried rendering scene only, dome & scene, sun & sky ... nada. I'll admit I had stepped away for a bit so maybe I forgot something in that time period but I am not sure what I am missing here. Any help would be appreciated.
Which version of DS are you using? NVidia changed the behavior of emissive surfaces to make them more physically accurate, which destroyed ghost lights in DS. I haven't been following all the ins and outs of it, but if you select the SimpleInterior object, select all of the surfaces labeled Emissive, and then either add several zeros to the end of the luminance or turn cutout opacity all the way up, it'll work.
4.21.05 Version of DS. But your little trick worked. Appreciate it!