Acheron Pit Installation

I bought the Acheron Pit environment for my Daz Library recently, however when I downloaded the files I noticed that it only had the "Runtime" folder listed in the Content. Usually, when I download a new environment it always has the "Data", "Environments" and "Runtime" folders together which I just copy to my library.
I wanted to know if there is something that I am missing in order to make the environment work regarding the instalation of the files or if the download was incomplete to begin with?
P.D The Runtime folder has "Geometries", "Libraries", "Textures" and "Support" subfolders inside but I dont really know how to exactly transfer them to get them to work on the software.
Because they're Poser formats, with only a single Runtime folder as the 'content files structure'. Go to your Content Library, there's a folder named 'Poser Formats', go to Figure folder, Nightshift3D/AcheronPit, and load *.cr2 files.
Check this page: