Updated to Windows 10 22H2?

I am running Windows 10 version 21H2 which will no longer receive security updates beginning mid-June. I am considering updating to 22H2 which will receive updates through mid-October 2025.
Is anyone else on 22H2? Any issues with Daz 4.21?
I'm on 22H2, 19045.2965. I haven't found any big issue with Ds 4.21, so far so good.. if anything, sometimes while I hold Ctrl key, the size of Daz window suddenly turns smaller...
Wait, so you were able to stay on 21H2 as long as you wanted to? Why was everybody squawking about forced upgrades and such?
Disclaimer: I haven't used Win10 much.
GRC's (Gibson Research Corporation) InControl.
Thanks for the information Crosswind.
Yes you can choose not to update. Again, straightforward process, but people got it stuck in their heads. It's forced upon them. Just have to setup an upgrade policy
Nice to see the GRC's (Gibson Research Corporation) InControl website stated rationale.
Myself, after bit of research, made a batch file to disable Windows 10 relentless overrride your update policy by semi-enabling update. Say semi cos update enables every 2nd day on it's own, overiding off. Just did not make time to see what it was doing as batch kills that auto-update.
Most peeps just seem to go auto, which means accept windows taking control more and more.
Thanks, didn't know that. I have a Windows 10 partition I use for school and I installed some 3rd party app to keep it from updating to Win11. The only problem is it stops other updates also, so I have to manually disable it and go through and choose what to allow. It's probably more trouble than it's worth.
One of these days I'd like to set up a proper Windows install for those last few games and apps that won't work in Linux.
I am constantly pausing updates on mine because they hog resources, fail to install and run every other day
you see it in taskmanager expanded view
after a fortnight they usually install without error and I can move on peacefully
Or just set the connection to metered so windows update will not use it unless you let it.