Oh My God! Vampires, Ghosts, and Zombies

Rice Univ. Course "First Year Writing Intensive Seminar": FWIS 175 - Oh My God! Vampires, Ghosts, and Zombies: Examining Horror and Religion in Popular Culture
Sounds like a good source of stories for animations, but I doubt they'll let me audit. The movies they will watch are: "Get Out", "Umma", and "Hereditary".
I'm not a religious person, and generally do not find horror movies scary, but good for funny parodies like "A Cabin In The Woods". But I got enough religion as a child that "The Exorcist" (1973) was pretty scary. Roger Ebert (4 stars out of four): " ... an exploitation of the most fearsome resources of the cinema ... "
Yep, the Exorcist was scary enough, almsot as goods The Shining :)