Missing DAZ Files

Hello again!
I am seeking help for missing files involving some of DAZ files.
The first item is the Martial Arts Weapons for Victoria 4 and Michael 4. On a Mac, the files are there, but on myy Lenovo Ideapad 3 running Windows 11, the files are not there! All I see is the Caution sign as shown on the attachment.
What could this be?
While on the subject of missing files, the dForce Mayfair Hair for Genesis 8 Females only has the hair caps, and trying to load hair leads to an error about resising it to fit Genesis 8! Files are also mission in the Genesis Basic Wear for Women product too, gave me the same Caution sign. And finally, the Bodysuit XFashion for Genesis 8 is only showing the Materials. no clothing files.
Once again, using Lenovo Ideapad 3 on WIndows 11, and iMac 2017 running Ventura.

How are you installing your content?
You seem to be mixing a variety of things - the error while reading message usually means a preset of some kind was loaded without a target item selected. The material Arts weaponds are there, they just lack thumbnails (! in a frame is missing thumbnail, ! at bottom right is missing file).
Through DazConnect and DIM.
Which? Doing both is a waste of space. Daz Connect instalaltions can fail to decrypt, which might well produce the "missing" thumbnails if there are .png files theer but they cannot be read 9and then the actual content files too might be unreadable - the log would then complain about expecting { or [ - Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File). If there are Connect files then any DIM install will be ignored, so bad files will block the good from DIM.
Somehow, the Mayfair Hair appears on the Aux Viewpoint, but not the main viewpoint. I tried clicking on the weapons, they still don't appear! Same with the Basic Genesis wear and the Bodysuit X Fashion!
(Sorry for the double post)
I meant Daz Central. I deleted Daz Central to see if it solves my problem, apparently it didn't solve everything. Should I uninstall everything and start over?
Daz central is essentailly a skin for Install Manager, certainly as far as the content installation is concerned. It is possible that there are pathing issues here, but the fix for that (as long as you don't have one content directory isntalled inside another) would eb to correct the paths rather than slog trhough a round or unisntalling and reinstalling (especially as Daz Central does not retain the zips for reinstalaltion, which Install Manager may depending on settings). Where exactly are the problem files on disc, and whata your content directorys ettings (in the Installation tab of Install Manager's setting, recehed by the gear icon, and the Daz Studio Content Directory Manager, reached by the button in the Content tab of edit Preferences (Windows)/Daz Studio>Preferences (Mac))?
If I understand, many people say not to log in while in Daz because it can cause problems. I see you are logged in to DAZ Studio. Can someone confirm this warning I've been reading about? Does it mess up your install locations? Does it have its file path up in the My Documents>Connect folder?
There is no reason to log in if you are not usign connect, and if you are logged in you may inadvertently install content (again) through Connect (by double-clicking on a product that is not installed at all or that is isntalled but failed to register correctly). You will also get metadata updates, which might cause issues if the actual installed files do not match up.
On my External Hard Drive, which is an SSD. I am using an External SSD for storage reasons.
Doesn't help. We need to see how are the folders set in DIM and Daz Studio, take a snapshot and attach them to your post with "Attach a file" above the "Post Comment" button.
I don't use DIM, but attached you can find how to get to Content Directory Manager in DS and what we want to see in there - Expand all the paths like in the sample.
Right here:
Why do you have "E:/Applications/Data/Daz 3D/My Daz 3D Library/Data" specified as a base folder for a Content Library?
It is a subfolder inside "E:/Applications/Data/Daz 3D/My Daz 3D Library" which makes it a nesting Content Library, and that is a problem for Daz Studio
You didn't expand the "Poser Formats".
Because, I dunno what should I specify as a base folder. What should I specify as a base folder then?
Here's the updated version:
The base folder of a Content Library is the foundation of your Content Library. It is the folder DS is using to find your products, their geometry and textures. If there are nested Content Libraries, DS doesn't know which folder it should start looking from and says it can't find stuff.
Didn't spot any nested Content Libraries under "Poser Formats" but the paths are unnecessary long, that matters as there are limits to how long the paths can be. Until quite recently the limit in W10 was still 256 characters and even though they increased the limit in W10, that doesn't mean all the programs have been updated and understand paths longer than 256 characters.
Remove "E:/Applications/Data/Daz 3D/My Daz 3D Library/Data" from "Daz Studio Formats" and check if your assets start working.
To make sure DAZ Connect is not further messing up your Content Libraries, set the Startup preferences in DS as in the attachment
We also need to know where the actual fiels are going - the paths in DS may be reasonable, but if they don't match the destination paths then the files will still fail to load.
It's removed.
Now, how can I also nest my Poser content?
My files are in the Data section, but what do you recommend to make the paths match?
What is the exact path, up to the data and Runtime folders? Those, and any other folders at the same level (e.g. People or Props) go in the folder you have selected as a Content Directory, E:/Applications/Data/Daz 3D/My Daz 3D Library/ (so yes, there will be a data folder there - but not selected as a content directory). However, if that is a real Data folder used by other installed content for its support files then you won't want to move everything out of data.
I don't know to be honest, I just put my files on my external hard drive to save up storage on my laptop. Where do you put yours? I need help.
If you don't know the current path how will you move them? If you plan to reinstall using DIM then use the same path as the content directory setting in Daz Studio.
Here are instructions for manual installation, which explains, where the stuff goes.
I checked it now, my directory is My Daz 3D library, and some of the stuff comes from the cloud part.
Something in /data/cloud/1_#####/ has been installed through Daz Studio itself (Daz Connect), possibly when the other installation failed to work on loading the product.
Should I set things to cloud then?
No, Daz Studio and the Content Management System know how to handle instalaltions like that, leave the content dirctory settings alone and don't do anything to the /data/cloud/ folder
I uninstalled DAZ and will restart clean to get things right.
After reinstalling DAZ and loaded it up via DIM and put it in my Program Files section of my External Hard Drive, everything worked. But when I Log in and download the same files through Daz Connect, the Genesis Basic Wear for Women for example, it gives me the "File Does Not Exist" error, and I pulled in what's in the Log File. Should I not log in in order to make sure thingd work?:
Why do you log in to Daz Studio, if you are installing your content with DIM?
Because, I keep on seeing those annoying triangle/circle logos on the thumbnails.