Inserting a prop's shape into a garment

Some while back, I remember a WIP posted to the forums here for a possibly-going-to-release product that would have allowed someone to insert a prop -- say, a smartphone -- into the pocket of a shirt being worn by a character, and have the relavant part of the shirt -- in this case, the pocket -- take on the countours of the prop.  Basically, you now had a smart-phone-shaped bulge in the shirt (well, in the shown example I saw, the pocket on the shirt), for the part of the prop that wasn't sticking out of the top of the pocket.  Evidently, you could have inserted some other object underneath the shirt and have the shirt shape itself around that object.

I remember looking at the pictures in that thread and thinking "Wow, that's exactly what I need for many of my render projects!"  Not so much for having a device inserted into a pocket (like in the example images the product-developer had provided) as having something inserted between the chest of the character and (the inside of) the shirt, or the pants, or whatever other garment.  Trouble is, the product developer then stated they'd jumped the gun on placing the WIP pictures up, and so pulled the pictures down, because he or she had unwittingly broke some rule or other, and would have to wait until the product came out before being able to show the WIP images.  And then I never heard anything more about it, and as far as I can tell, this product never came out at Daz3D.

Or maybe I blinked and missed it.

Does anyone know of a product, here or at another shop, that does this for Daz Studio, or if the specific product I described above got released here or somewhere else?  I tried Sim Tenero's Shape Reprojector, but it's not doing anything at ALL with attached objects inserted under clothing.  I know I could probably try using Mesh Grabber to do this, manually, but I still figure there has to be an easy way to insert an object under a garment like that and have a product auto-detect the shape and displace outward the relevant shape into the garment or such.

Maybe something like this could be developed as an add-on for Mesh Grabber, such that Mesh Grabber auto-detects the object and projects the relevant shape into the other object (i.e. the garment)?



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625


    the mystery product nobody ever shows results from so I still haven't bought it

    many who own it say they have never used it so there is that too wink

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694

    What do you want to use it for?

    I would take the objects into a modeller and create a morph.

    You could use Mesh Grabber for a quick solution, but it is more limited in use.

    And of course there need to be enough mesh geometry to make the morph.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    WendyLuvsCatz said:


    the mystery product nobody ever shows results from so I still haven't bought it

    many who own it say they have never used it so there is that too wink

    I have used it, and wouldn't recommend it. Gescon seems to be at least more stable, although it's not geared toward quite the same results, and I can't vouch for it personally.

  • And yeah, I actually tried SimTenaro's Shape Projector some weeks back.... and it didn't give ANY visble results when I tried using it for this.  Specifically mentioned this near the end of the original post here, in fact.

    Not sure how to apply Gescon for something like this, either.

    As for trying to create an actual morph...  I'm not even sure if that would be practical for what I'm trying to do, since what I NEED is something to move around and expand in size inside a garment, over a series of frames of a comicbook-narrative.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    oops I missed that blush

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    If the garment has a pocket, you could probably animate the phone sliding into the pocket and dforce wrapping the fabric to its shape.

  • Well, I'm more interested in something being entirely inside the garment, between the body and the garment, and potentially another garment on outside the first garment, and then having the object that's inside the two garments shifting around and maybe getting larger as the story goes along, with both garments shifting outward and around accordingly.  It just happens that the unreleased product had as one of its example images a cellphone inserted into a pocket.  I mostly mentioned the cellphone-in-the-pocket aspect to maybe jog some memories, but I want the moving object to be entirely inside the garment, not in a pocket.  And in the methodology I'd be using, I'm not sure if dforce simulating it would be workable for this, either.

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