FG Zombie Bus
Posts: 296
in The Commons
Hi there - does anyone own the FG Zombie Bus? Would you know if it's possible to de-zombiefy it? I just need a normal school bus. Thanks.
Its all one model, but you can hide the protective plates using the surfaces tab. But there is no clean version for the body paint. though 20 minutes in photoshop could fix that. And the glass probably need adjustment. This is what it looks like out of the box.
Fantastic! Thank you so much. Yes, will clean up in Photoshop.
... now I'm envisioning a bus made of decaying flesh...
The Bus That Just Won't DIE!!!
Coming to a theater this Summer....
Oh dear... just look what I've started...
The irony is, that I actually need it for... a zombie outbreak story!
Here is a link for people like me who are always asking. ;)
Do the doors work on the bus?
Yup, the door opens. Not quite in the two-seperate-panals way a schoolbus door usually does, but it does open.