Splitting head and body geometry

I have several characters not purchased from the Daz store which have both head and body joined so that I can't shape each independently. I'd like to be able to apply shape morphs to each without it affecting the other; tweak the body shape and leave the head as is and vice versa the way most Daz characters are set up. I'm hoping there must be a way to separate the geometry for each so that I can apply morphs to the body and to the head independent of the other.
Any help with this would be appreciated.
Post edited by crashworship on
If the character is G8 or G9, you can use HeadSplit dFormer in Starter Essentials products to split body / head. Export the figure to obj, load the HeadSplit dFormer to the figure, then use Morph Loader Pro to import obj as head morph and body morph separately, with Attenuate option. Pls refer to Josh' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY6eJ0Awg9Q&t=253s
You may also consider to use Character Splitter in which there're HeadSplit dFormers for G2/G3 : https://github.com/Mike3D/Character-Splitter-for-DAZ-Studio
This is amazing and extremely useful. I'm in the middle of a large project and when I'm done with it, I'll give these a try. Thank you for pointing me at these.