Hai, i am still learing daz and i am stuck. I want to learn metamixer but it looks strange. In the attached file you can see how metamixer figure on the right looks in my viewport, it is overexposed. On the left there is an page from the tutorial. What am i doing wrong? Ps i tried all the different views, I used the grey from metamixer but the regular skins are also overexposed. Hope someone can help...

Schermafbeelding 2023-05-26 om 12.46.37.png
4622 x 2020 - 5M
You've done nothing wrong~ just need to press Ctrl + L ... Pls check the menu item if it's ticked: Window - Preview Lights...
Thank you Crosswind! Much better, although i came to understand it also has to do with filament PBR, which i apperently can't get because i work on a mac.
Ha~ I even don't know Filament does not work on Mac as I never use Filament