RSSY Character Converter Genesis 8/8.1 Male/Female to Genesis 9 Script Error

ok so been waiting for these since gen 9 release. And finally. However there is some issues.
The Batch Converters work but only marginally. There is a large amount of characters both male and female that after convertion look like they got ran over by a mac truck a few times. I understand that maybe some of the stylized characters could have this issue but most of them that end up this way are 'normal' characters. Real people type of characters. A bit disappointing.
THe Custom character convcerters worker once each. Meaning One male converted fine, and one female converted fine. Since then i get Daz throwing a scripr error. pertentent log file parts are below. Any ideas?
I have tried everything including uninstalling and reinstalling. Nothing helps.
2023-06-04 11:30:37.955 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSConstants.dsa
2023-06-04 11:30:38.033 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSAdvCharacterConversionConstants.dsa
2023-06-04 11:30:38.051 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSG8G9CharacterConversionConstants.dsa
2023-06-04 11:30:38.067 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSBuildPanels.dsa
2023-06-04 11:30:38.080 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSHelperFunctions.dse
2023-06-04 11:30:38.110 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2019HelperFunctions.dse
2023-06-04 11:30:38.144 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2020HelperFunctions.dse
2023-06-04 11:30:38.156 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2021HelperFunctionsConstants.dsa
2023-06-04 11:30:38.186 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2021HelperFunctions.dse
2023-06-04 11:30:38.227 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2022HelperFunctions.dse
2023-06-04 11:30:38.235 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2023HelperFunctions.dse
2023-06-04 11:30:38.309 [DEBUG] :: FOUND:
2023-06-04 11:30:38.310 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSG8G9CharacterConversionFunctions.dse
2023-06-04 11:30:38.346 [WARNING] :: Script Error: Line 4231
2023-06-04 11:30:38.346 [WARNING] :: TypeError: Result of expression 'this.sWhatsThis' [undefined] is not an object.
2023-06-04 11:30:38.346 [WARNING] :: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSG8G9CharacterConversionFunctions.dse:4231
2023-06-04 11:30:38.348 [INFO] :: Error in script execution: D:/Daz Library/Scripts/RiverSoft Art/Character Converter/Convert Custom Character G8M to G9.dse
Better to post here
thanks for the link :)