Freestanding Beach Shower Tower Freebie

crpcrp Posts: 68
edited June 2023 in Freebies

Hey everyone, looking for some feedback on this freestanding beach shower tower freebie that I'm working on.

This is my first prop I've ever made so just wanted to get some feedback on what I can fix and improve. 

I was actually going to request for somebody to make one, but figured I'd take a crack at it first to see if I could get something useable and learn something along the way.

Note that I've included a textureless model here so that it could be uploaded & downloaded quickly.

To Do's that I have on my list so far:

I need to get the UVs correct & not that happy with the textures I am currently using, so maybe going to change them.

Was also thinking about having the bottom valve open & close and the button go in and out, but not sure if anyone would care or use it?


Preview of what I have so far:


Thanks in advance!


3840 x 3840 - 2M
Post edited by crp on


  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    I would definitely use the button, as would anyone doing animation. So far looks good for a first prop. As for maps, if you can use blender, that will be your life line lol

  • crpcrp Posts: 68

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Blender is exactly what I'm using for creating this.

    I've added the button & valve movements as well.

    Really learning a lot from this little experiment.  

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    I look forward to the finished item

  • crpcrp Posts: 68
    edited June 2023

    Final version has been uploaded to renderosity so as soon as its' approved it should be ready to download.

    1500 x 1752 - 752K
    Post edited by crp on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    Definitely watching Rendo for the upload and thank you for your generosity.

  • StargazeyStargazey Posts: 254

    Many thanks for this, it looks really good! Just one question, how did you get the water effect in your image, it fits perfectly?

  • crpcrp Posts: 68

    @Stargazey I used a combination of Sickleyield's great products: SY Shower Enhancer Iray with dForce: Splashstravaganza Iray


  • WebsoulWebsoul Posts: 221

    Thank you for the prop, I just tested it and it is done pretty good for a first release, I love the poses you added, they fit perfectly.

    One comment I would like to give is to take a look at the size of your textures.

    I compressed your textures to 80% quality and it went from 20mb per image to about 2mb without a loss in quality,
    as a tip I would advise you to look if it is needed to have that high 4K quality on everything especially on small parts like a button you could get the same effect with a 1 or 2k image

  • crpcrp Posts: 68

    Thank you for the constructive feedback Websoul, I'll keep that in mind.

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