dForce Prop Necktie

Most clothing items can be turned into props, then dForce added, to use as "laundry" - draped over a chair or something, But so far I haven't found a necktie I can do that with. For some reason they all act bizarrely when dForce is added, and have even stymied my attempts to effectively reshape them with Mesh Grabber. A basic straight, "pre-tied" tie that will work with dForce and can easiy be re-textured would be great!
But.. But.. What kind of person doesn't fully undo their tie before hanging it up? It is desperately non-U to do that..
Added to which, on a more practical note, a flat tie could be created with a trans map on a plane and then dForced to drape over almost anything. And the tex map would be simple repeated diagonal stripes.
I appreciate the suggestions Richard - it was enough to get me started on trying to create my own. By "pre-tied" I meant "before tying" or: not tied.
I am finding some challenges with this. I started with a plane and using Geometry Editor cut it down to a strip 58" long and 2 1/4" wide composed of 8,352 polys, and then created a trans map for it, based on a necktie image. Three problems:
Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Not dforceable (though to be honest I didn't try), but I made a poseable untied tie using a poseable rope prop. I think it was one of Davo's from Renderotica, but the same principle would apply to one of Sickleyield's smooth rope products like Tied Up 2.
You select the individual rope segments and set their depth to a low value to flatten the rope into something more like a belt. Then you adjust the width of each segment so they become steadily wider, till you get to the end where you make it taper off rapidly. Apply a suitable texture and you have a tie that you can pose at will.
My prop didn't react well to having a dforce modifier applied to it, but you might have more luck.
Interesting idea, but I think I would lose my mind trying to pose a 60" tie with an untold number of segments lying on an uneven surface so that it looked organic. Does it actually look good in an Iray render though? Not sure how that works with stepping the width down like that - it doesn't actually give you a diagonal edge, does it?
Also, how did you manage to post an image? I tried uploading files from my PC as attachments, and then when that didn't work: dropping them onto Google Drive as hosted images. No-go either way. But then all sorts of weird things are happening with Daz servers lately. Edit: just figured out the Daz3D "Gallery" thing and added images to my post above. I'd never used it before!
It gets a nice diagonal edge on the prop I used. The texture is a bit distorted at the ends, but not too bad - I figured nobody is going to be looking too closely at it anyway.
I posted an image by uploading it to imgur.com and then embedding it from there.
Something like this?
It looks a little distorted in a couple spots, but otherwise: yes! Is that dForce or a posed prop?
I modelled a simple tie, and dforced it.
Great for those who can model. Haven't cracked that really yet.
Would you consider sharing the obj?
I tried, but forum is having upload issues again.
Will try later.
Here it is as an obj.
Import it into DS in scale 10000%.
Thank you so much! Very kind of you.