What's up with the search result text boxes? [Resolved]

On the main store page I type "Turtleneck" ('cause that's what I was looking for) into the "Search store" text box. On the left side of the results page text boxes appear under 'Artist', 'Figure', and 'Genre' (replacing the familure '+' that reveals filters for that category). No auto complete, so I carefully type 'Daz Originals' in the 'Artist' box, press enter and the screen flashes, reloads the same (unfiltered) results.
This feels unintentional to me. Maybe they're placeholders or I simply don't know how to use this. Either way, reporting it to Daz.
Post edited by kwerkx on
It has been reported, yes, and is not the intended result as far as I know.
Thanks Richard.