any idea's how to create a retro 1960s model look for G3/G8F?

I want to do a retro modelling shoot with a girl dolled up in typical looking 1960s style hair/clothing but most importantly her makeup. I am not sure if there is a product that could help do this but how could you do this just using whatever you can?
The picture below will give an idea what I am trying to do.

Screenshot 2023-06-06 at 05-41-06 1960s playmate - Google Search.png
422 x 412 - 347K
Its all in the hair style. Bangs were popular back then.
When in the 60s? In the early 60s lips were darker and eye makeup was used with a lighter touch. By the mid 60's the emphasis was on the eyes. Lips were getting paler, to the point of often being the same colour as the rest of the face, sometimes even lighter, and eye makeup was getting much bolder, Big eyelashes and very thick liner were the thing at that point. Blue, grey, and white were popular eye makeup colours. Brows were generally medium to thick.
I see. I guess mid 60's would be best. How do you think you'd do that effect on G8F?
I found this article online about 60's makeup - could be helpful:
As for makeup software for G8F - I found RiverSoft's Material Wizard most useful. Very versatile:
Thx for the suggestions. It appears the product you suggested while useful is a little pricey for my limited needs. How do you think the whole classic dark eye lashes and white face could be implimented with more casual means?
If you have an image editor like Photoshop or Gimp, you could simply desaturate and lighten the face texture and remove the blemishes to get the pale look. As for the thick mascara (I will use the Photoshop vocabulary, because that is what I use), I would take the lashes texture into the editor, select the background, invert the selection to have the lashes selected. Next I would expand the selection by maybe 1 pixel, so I get a wider border around each lash and fill it in with the opacity color (same color as the lashes). Be sure to do all this on a COPY of the original textures, so you don't overwrite them.
I cannot think of a cheaper alternative (assuming you have PS or Gimp). It is a bit labor intensive but you should get a decent effect (I guess...)
If you're not in a super hurry, it's a possibility it may come on sale during this month's promotions.
Some of this vendor's girls are on sale today and may have makeup that might work. Most of them have at least one pale lip option and eyeliner usable for your purpose. With adapting the lashes and the hairdo with bangs as suggested above, you should be good to go.
There's also this free resource, but I haven't used it so I have no idea how suitable it is.