Believable heels on medieval/fantasy costumes for female characters

As a hobbyist who creates images for her characters in fantasy roleplaying games, I have been frustrated multiple times when I found a great costume design for my female hero, but the boots/shoes had skyscraper heels making them completely unusable for my purposes. Yes, there are some really good outfits with low heels (too few in my opinion) and of course I understand that fantasy does not have to be believable, but I would really like to see more designs with heels that won't get stuck in loose soil or provide just minimal support when an ogre attacks ;)
Would it be an option to include morphs for low and high heels in those designs? That would accomodate the people who create sexy fantasy images and the people who prefer to illustrate in a more believable style.
Thanks for considering this suggestion :)
Kind regards,
(For some reason I read the title as hair, which can also be a reasonable point.)
It's a common complaint, but sadly we seem to be in the minority. Morphs don't work that well for a variety of reasons (textrue compression/stretching, different rigging required for flat and heeled shoes, differences eleswhere in the modelling). Esha used to have a series of shoes with separate uppers and lowers, which could be mixed and matched, though they were more modern designs in general - and still tricky to pull off for high heels.
These are nice. Maybe not so medieval, though.
I tend to reuse the best boots from other outfits where I can replacing or editing textures as needed
Thank you guys for your comments and thanks for explaining the technical issues with morphing boots. It is not about substituting boots/shoes from a different outfit, I have done that but I'm usually not completely happy since they do not match the overall style of the outfit. It is not the only issue, there are also stab-friendly holes in armored outfits or weapons so unwieldy, nobody would be able to hit anyone but themselves (not talking manga/anime versions).
But I can see, that this is nothing that content creators can be bothered with. Oh well...
Male boots for should fit on female characters, but before G9 you will have to turn off the smart content filtering to see it on the list. When you load it, it should auto-convert with a prompt.
In the wikiedpa article on high heeled shoes tehre is a photo of a european pair from 1690 CE so I think these things clearly existed back then. However, you are correct that they would be highly impractical for combat.
Unmounted combat. The original purpose of high heels was to assist with keeping one's feet in the stirrups of a saddle.
When those heels were brought from Persia to Europe, they were just a fashion item. Around the 1600s and later military footwear in Europe had flat soles and only sometimes jackboots had raised heels.
Heels weren't worn for combat in the West. That rumor originating from people not reading full articles needs to finally die. The ones that were used for riding in the East also weren't high stilettos. Narrow heel, but not very high.
I bet no one bringing up those mythical heels used in mounted combat ever bothered to check how those actually looked...
Even as a fashion item at the earliest possible in Europe it'd be very late Tudor era onwards so still not fit for any kind of "Medieval" fantasy.
Dazverse combat stilettos are absolutely modern in style. They have nothing to do with any of this.