Thumb Deformed

Can someone please help me out, I've tried looking around already but haven't found something that's worked. On my character the thumb and only the thumb on both hands have got this lump. Does anyone know how to remove the lump.
Thank you for the help.
Attachments ar not working, please upload a picture elsewhere (Onedrive, GoogleDrive, DropBox etc.) and use that as a link for an iamge showing the issue.
Is this happening with the base figure as loaded, or only once a pose has been applied? Does Edit>Figure>Zero>Zero Figure Shape help? There are (at least) a couple of things it could be, but I can't yet guess which.
Yes thank you that works, is there a way to fix that single thumb without resetting the whole character? Thank you for the help.
SO I just fixed it by going through all the sliders and reappling one by one and watching to see if the thumb changed and apparently the problem was the Adbomen Length which was set to 60 and if I reset it the thumb goes back to normal.
Weird problem for just one slider by oh well it's fixed now. Thank you again for your help.
I see that too, and I've flagged it up in the vendor's thread. It could be down to an interaction with another product.