Age of Empires II styled buildings


Is there anywhere I can find some AoE2 styled buildings?
Sure it would be the easiest if they are Daz-ready, but it's Ok if I have to fiddle with .obj, UV-mapping and more.


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    They're not cheap, but KitBash3D is probably the best place to go for things like this.

  • jakobrh said:


    Is there anywhere I can find some AoE2 styled buildings?
    Sure it would be the easiest if they are Daz-ready, but it's Ok if I have to fiddle with .obj, UV-mapping and more.

    Hi, I could easily create some. What kinds are you looking for? 

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    Do you have links and/or images of what you are looking for?  Cause they were all very isometric in styling,  but depending on location and culture very different in design.

    Some daz original early content would be in the ball park.

    Search places and thing - building - small strutures -   and check the last few pages if sorted by new arrivals. Originals&filtered=1


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