
So I've placed a character is a scene where I want them to be and want to add a pose to them but every time I do they move completely off screen and back to the centre of the scene. Is there a way of applying poses to characters and them not moving off screen? I don't want to have to keep moving the model back after changing the pose ever time its rather annoying.
First image is off model in position with no pose.
Second image is after pose is applied and the model has moved.
Thank you for your help.
How have you moved your character to its position?
If you <Ctrl> click on your pose you get a dialougue where you can untick translations.
Thanks for the reply, I already tried that unticking all the translations and the pose still moves.
You didn't say how you moved your character to the spot where they are.
If you have moved using the hip bone, it will be changed when you apply the pose.
It is also possible that there is an error in the pose that you are using.
I drag them with the y,x,z move tool then pose them. But say if I pose them before I move them when I want to change pose they go back to the original place they spawn.
When posing, the character's position is defined by two variables that may be saved when the pose is saved.
The first is the character X/Y/Z Translate, then the second is X/Y/Z Translate for the hip.
The person who is saving the pose should not save the character's X/Y/Z translate or rotations as this will move the character to the pose creator's position every time it's used.
The person who saves the pose should really only move the hip in Y (up & down) to position the character unless the character is being used in relation to another or a prop. Then the pose creator can save the X & Z translate values. Hip rotations are possible [required?] to use & save.
What Richard said is the real answer.
As he said, some pose packs have these kind of mistakes, but most of the time it means the pose pack is intended to be used in a specific environment or with certain props accessories. When this happens with a pose, go to the parameters tab with your character selected: general > Tranform and then "Alt + L click" the sliders to return them to their default position, which should be the "spawn" ; this is way less trouble than moving it back with the move tool btw. If your figure is not at spawn and you know the pose is going to move it, you can lock the transform sliders in postion with the lock icon that appears when hovering over the % before applying the pose.
If you uncheck XYZ translation after Ctrl + applying the Pose preset, the figure should remain in the place even if there're XYZ values on Hip bone in the Pose preset. You better attach the pose preset duf file down below so that we may help to check...
Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into it.