Missing Textures files!!

in New Users
I don't know what the problem is but the texture are missing but when I browse to the location in file manager all the textures are there what should I do

DAZ Studio 4.21 Pro 08-06-2023 03_14_20 PM.png
1920 x 1027 - 586K

DAZ Studio 4.21 Pro 07-06-2023 05_44_58 PM.png
268 x 272 - 14K

Textures 07-06-2023 05_47_04 PM.png
1920 x 1050 - 499K
Tghe problem is the CP Jack W folder - everything in that should isntead be in the My Daz 3D Library folder. It is a bad sign if the Data and Runtime folders are visible in the Content Library as, when theya re correctly placed, they will be hidden.
The data, people and runtime folders shoud be merged with the same folders at the root of your content library.