Addressing several figures with one DUF-File

If I have a scene with more figures e.g. named Tom and Jerry, select one out of them and load a Duf-File with a content like that:
..."scene" : { "animations" : [ { "url" : "name://@selection:?translation/x/value", "keys" : [ [ 0, 50 ] ] },... ] }}
the selected figure jumps to the X-Postion 50.
Is there a posibility to modfiy the Duf-File that way, that both figures are moved in the same DUF-File to different positions like:
..."scene" : { "animations" : [ { "url" : "name://Tom:?translation/x/value", "keys" : [ [ 0, 50 ] ] },... { "url" : "name://Jerry:?translation/x/value", "keys" : [ [ 0, -50 ] ] },... ] }}
I have tried several possibilities to modify the "url"-value, but no version worked.
Yes, by saving a Hierarchical Pose Preset... but first create a Group or a root node and assign Tom and Jerry to it. Select the group / root node and save Hierarchical Pose Preset
Thanks for your hint, but it's not really what I'm searching for:
If I save a similar situation as "preset_hierarchical_pose" with figures named 'Tom' and 'Jerry', the DUF-File does not contain one of those names. I see names like 'pCylinder%2811cg000_10v0001%2912_1' but no relation between this ID and either 'Tom' or 'Jerry'. But I need this names (or a translation table) to address the correct figure.
Got it ~ you wanna see recognizable names in duf file... I just used 2 cylinders as the example, you may just change the Node Names of your figures ... (menu: Edit - Figure - Scene Identification...). But be noted it'll be a specific preset only for the subnodes with node names of Tom and Jerry...
Thanks for this, now it works like expected