dForce simulation shortcuts

Hello all -
I am making some shortcuts/custom actions for my most commonly used actions, and I can't seem to find a way to do so for many of the dForce simulation actions. Specifically, I would like to create toolbar icons for Freeze Simulation, Display In Simulation, and Hide In Simulation. I have looked over the action list in the customize window, and I can't find any of them. Does anyone here know if there is way to do what I'm trying to do?
Thanks in advance!
I believe you've found some actions in F3 dialog box but for Freeze Sim.. Visible in Simulation (Parameters / Surfaces), you won't find them there as they're not menu items of actions but just Properties on a garment node. Daz Script can help with it but I myself recommend dForce Companion plugin...
Just one-click on the pane to do what you want... simulate the dForce item on demand, etc...
I had somehow missed this plugin - it's not exactly what I was looking for, but it is definitely an improvement. Thank you!