Adding/Removing Morphs on Older Product

Hello again. I'm still relearning and running into some fun stuff. 8-)

I've been working on updating some older products (created 3-5 years ago) to add to my DAZ stores. The sets were originally made for G8 figures and I think I used 4.16 at the time. The clothing included morph support for many figures sold at both DAZ and Renderosity.  In addition to updating them, I am also adding G9 compatibility as well, so I'm in "heavy learning" mode.

But I'm a little stuck. For the G8F versions, I want to now only include morph support for DAZ figures. I'll be adding support for some characters that I've purchased since the sets were originally created, and then removing support for non-DAZ figures..I thought the best way to do this would be to remove all the dsf files in the data folders and re-load the OBJ files with Morph Loader Pro. I seem to recall that removing the morph data files would load the product with no "custom" morphs.

But here is the puzzle. Let's say I load in a dress that I created 4 years ago. Before adding it to the scene, I delete the morphs from the data folder. Then I resave the dress to the content library, hoping that I start with a blank slate as far as the morphs go.  In reality, it appears there are still references to these old morphs somewhere because when I load the dress into the scene, there are "hidden" dials that are named the same as the morphs that were originally there. And (head scratcher) when I save the dress to the content library, it recreates the data files. So those "hidden" morphs seem to be doing something.

Which DSF file is most likely to be holding on to those old morph references?  I tried using DSON Editor to search through the files in the People and Data folders, but didn't have any luck finding references to the old morphs. I'm not exactly sure what I might be missing or doing wrong.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited June 2023

    Saving a scene does not create a new figure, it references the existing one. You would need to save a new figure / prop asset if you want a completely new figure with new data files.

    As for where the old data files are from, could it be that you have multiple versions of that item installed, in separate content directories for example?

    Post edited by Leana on
  • DeeceyDeecey Posts: 153

    Yes that is what I did.

    -- Deleted the morph files from the data folder

    -- Loaded the clothing item into the scene

    -- Resaved the clothing item (I even tried saving it under a new name) and it recreated the morph files in the data folder

    I'll check for duplicate files

  • DeeceyDeecey Posts: 153

    Interesting. Turns out there were some cache files hidden away that were creating havoc. Not sure where they came from but they are gone now and it's working as expected.


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