Morphing across joints

Is there a way to create, for example, a pair of pants that can morph into shorts? Or a long-sleeved shirt that can morph into a T-shirt? The obvious issue to work around is changing the assigned bone of the morphed vertices on the fly. Would this be impossible or just very difficult?
It's doable and not that difficult but for such a case you mentioned, we rarely go for this way with morphing technique. Instead, suggest use Cutout Opacity with different materials or Conditional Grafts with geometry manipulation. And it will also depend on the design of long and short garments...
What's the process? I have this in mind instead of using opacities so that the legs or sleeves of the garment can still have a cuff on them. Grafts could do that, but I'd rather have a self-contained item, if possible.
Better refer to a product which uses such a technique, for instance, JeanZ... You'll get how it works, as below:
... with diff. texture maps...
If you really wanna keep physical geometry / morphs (e.g. cuff, rim ,etc.) you surely can use modeling software to make them. But I myself would rather make separate piece of garments (one long pants, one short, etc.)
As for Conditional Grafts, pls refer to Mada's tutorial:
It wouldn't work to morph the legs or arms shorter, as they would still be weighted for and would bend with the lower bones. So if your t-shirt wearer bent their elbow the lower section of the short sleeve would bend through the upper arm. A conditional graft could handle it by hiding parts, as long as the polygon divisions were in the right place, if you want to avoid sending the unwanted mesh to the render engine - Mada has a tutorial on those.
Yea, as I said above, I myself won't go for such a way but there is a very product which completely adopted such a 'morphing' techniques, dForce Multi Dress System for G8F. I ever played those garments for quite a while and they did work quite well, only I just did not really prefer the design and styles...
Like these:
Well, it looks like what I'm after isn't doable. What I had in mind was being able to take a shirt or a pair of shorts and, using a dial morph, change them gradually into long sleeves or pants. Thanks for the input, everyone.
The product I named as above just used the approach and techniques you're bearing in mind... just go for checking if you have interest...
So it doesn't use geografting at all?
Nope, morphs only.