Copy ONLY Simulation Surface Settings?

Is there a way to copy just the dForce simulation surface values from one surface to another? If I copy/paste "Seletted Surfaces" it will copy the surface appearance too, and I don't want that.


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Have you tried creating a material preset and unchecking all the values not related to dForce?

  • mikethe3dguymikethe3dguy Posts: 515

    Gordig said:

    Have you tried creating a material preset and unchecking all the values not related to dForce?

    Just tried that but it doesn't seem to work. Since a material preset can work on multiple surfaces, it seems like it would be looking only for surfaces with the same names as copy targets. In this case I'm trying to copy from one clothing item to a completely different one, so the surface names don'r match. Could be wrong - I haven't used material preset that much myself.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    mikethe3dguy said:

    Gordig said:

    Have you tried creating a material preset and unchecking all the values not related to dForce?

    Just tried that but it doesn't seem to work. Since a material preset can work on multiple surfaces, it seems like it would be looking only for surfaces with the same names as copy targets. In this case I'm trying to copy from one clothing item to a completely different one, so the surface names don'r match. Could be wrong - I haven't used material preset that much myself.

    You wanna copy Simulation settings on a dynamic surface of Clothing A to a dynamic surface of Clothing B , is that right? If so, you may save a Shader preset, as below. Then apply the preset to the target dynamic surface.


  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 378

    crosswind said:


    You wanna copy Simulation settings on a dynamic surface of Clothing A to a dynamic surface of Clothing B , is that right? If so, you may save a Shader preset, as below. Then apply the preset to the target dynamic surface.

    Brilliant! Thank you @crosswind !

  • mikethe3dguymikethe3dguy Posts: 515

    crosswind said:

    You wanna copy Simulation settings on a dynamic surface of Clothing A to a dynamic surface of Clothing B , is that right? If so, you may save a Shader preset, as below. Then apply the preset to the target dynamic surface.


    I ended up finding a workaround, but I like this idea - should do what's needed, and I'm sure this will come up again for me in the future. Thanks!

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    My pleasure blush

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