no usable devices - Nvidia and DAZ 4.10

Hi, I upgraded my PC to Nvidia 3060 12gb with 16gb system RAM. As this is still s humble spec, I re-installed DAZ 4.10 with the help of advice on this forum [thanks!]

DAZ can't render on the GPU, showing the log errors including

Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend error: Cannot render: found no usable devices.

Iray Render error: Invalid parameters (NULL pointer)


I assume this is a mis-match between the old DAZ 4.10 and my Nvidia drivers []  - Is it time to just update to latest DAZ, or is there another way around it? Is there a Beta version of DAZ I could install alongside the 4.10 version. If so, how would I do that? How much more memory intensive is the latest version? I know all about the scripts and ghostlight issues.

Thanks in advance once again. 





  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    You can "buy" the beta in the store, and it can then be installed (it cannot be manual installed).

    The beta is seperate from the normal DS, so they can co-exist in different versions.

    To make it available for download in DIM you have to enable "public builds" in your filtering.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Support for RTX 3xxx card came in some DS 4.14.xx version, older versions of DS don't recognize them.

  • Aah thanks for the replies. I didn't realize 4.10 was that much earlier [or behind] than RTX 3060 cards. I'll see if I can make a beta install.

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