A few items installed via DIM showing as not installed in DS

I have a few thousand products purchased from the Daz store that are installed and working just fine. I have about 20 products, however, that I installed that show in DS as NOT installed. I replicated this on two separate machines; one machine I used DIM and the other, Daz Central. Both appeared to install just fine in their  respective installers, but in DS, they look like they're not installed at all, and show up in the "install" tab. One example is this product:

Even more confusingly, under the "parameters" tab I can see the shape sliders for that figure's head, body, etc. So I think the files are likely in the correct location, but DS is not aware of them somehow. Distressingly, the Genesis 8 Male and Female Head and Body morphs are part of this problematic group for me.

Oddly, I tried to install one of these products using Daz Connect (on the machine that uses Daz Central to install) and it worked. I do not want products installed in multiple different ways though, and especially not with Connect. Yeah, already tried manually installing too. (Download, put in DIM installers folder, etc) and either it didn't work or I did in incorreclty.

The last thing to note, I guess, is that I changed the location my products are installed at to the E:\ drive. I'm pretty sure I got all the paths changed correctly though as I have literal thousands of products installed there that are working correctly. Does anyone have any advice? - Banyan

p.s. I tried uploading a screenshot showing this, but the file wouldn't upload. Weird.



  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    If you are using DIM, DAZ Central or manual installation, you should never log in to DS.

  • BanyanBanyan Posts: 39

    Noted. I'm not sure how that helps, though; only a very, very small percentage of my products are affected, replicated over two machines. So I don't thnk that's the problem here. Thanks for the advice though, I'll avoid that going forward.

  • BanyanBanyan Posts: 39
    edited June 2023

    I created a support ticket for this issue, but I just read another thread that said tech tickets could sometimes take months to get answers, which does not bode well for me. My google-fu is usually pretty good, but I haven't hit anything helpful.

    Can someone tell me what files I should even be looking at, or where to start? I think the files were all copied to the directories they were supposed to be in, but for some reason they're not "hooked in" to daz studio it seems. So the sliders are showing up in parameters and such, but I can't access any of the materials or the character skin or any of that through the content library or smart content tabls. What file might case that behavior if it got borked? Maybe I can look for that file in the connect installed version on my testing rig and see if I can use it to make the DIM installed version work corrrectly. Or something. It feel like the fix is probably a line or two in a config file, but I've got no way to know how to find it.

    Post edited by Banyan on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Banyan said:

    I created a support ticket for this issue, but I just read another thread that said tech tickets could sometimes take months to get answers, which does not bode well for me. My google-fu is usually pretty good, but I haven't hit anything helpful.

    Can someone tell me what files I should even be looking at, or where to start? I think the files were all copied to the directories they were supposed to be in, but for some reason they're not "hooked in" to daz studio it seems. So the sliders are showing up in parameters and such, but I can't access any of the materials or the character skin or any of that through the content library or smart content tabls. What file might case that behavior if it got borked? Maybe I can look for that file in the connect installed version on my testing rig and see if I can use it to make the DIM installed version work corrrectly. Or something. It feel like the fix is probably a line or two in a config file, but I've got no way to know how to find it.

    It is because you have been logging in to DS.

    When one logs into DS, it means you give DAZ Connect inside DS permission to call home to check what have you bought, 'update' the metadata (which sometimes fails) and inform you that the products have not been installed with DAZ Connect (which is not necessary).
    If one makes the further mistake of letting DAZ Connect inside DS install anything, the stuff gets installed to a different place of where the other installers are putting them and the DAZ Connect installed versions steal priority over the installations done by other means, even in cases when DAZ Connect made installations are not working (not that uncommon)

    Logging in to DS is needed only when one has made s concious and informed decision to use DAZ Connect as their primary method of installing content.

  • BanyanBanyan Posts: 39
    edited June 2023

    All that makes sense, I guess, but how come I see the same behavior on like 20 products out of 4,500 on two independant machines? (Yes, I have a problem, I never said I was sane.) And if Logging on wrecks your installs to the extent you say it does, why isn't this made more obvious? I mean, logging on to update your metadata sounds like a reasonable thing to do in most cases. It's like leaving a loaded gun on the coffee table when all the toddler-like beginners are in the room pushing buttons. That's just crazy.

    Okay so hypothetically, let's assume you're right. I don't have anything else to go on so might as well run with that. Let's get to the important part. How do I fix it? I haven't installed a single product through Daz Connect on my new machine so I shouldn't have to worry about that part at least.

    Post edited by Banyan on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    @Banyan, recently I had a new shader file that installed with DIM, but when I went to find it in Smart Content, then in the Product Library, and then under DAZ Studio Formats it wasn't there. I opened DIM and looked at 'Installed Files' and found that the forward facing files were in italics. I tried deleting the product from the Content Library, closing D|S, the uninstalling/deleting the zip files and redownloading the files. Same issue. I have reported this product to Technical Support this past Sunday.

    Sometimes, if you look at the bottom of your Product Library, say 'A' and see that there is a black/white or dark icon below all the colored ones, that means your file did not install, or is available to be installed, if it was installed at some time in the past. If that is one of your 20 products, you might need to delete it, then delete the product in DIM and then redownload, install... It does work sometimes if the files are not messed up. 

    And I never, ever, turn on or click 'Login' in DAZ Studio. Doing that when I first started caused me too many problems in the past.


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Banyan said:

    It's like leaving a loaded gun on the coffee table when all the toddler-like beginners are in the room pushing buttons. That's just crazy.

    That is exactly what it is.
    If one looks back in history, there is a logical reason for it, but saying it out loud is against the TOS. 

  • BanyanBanyan Posts: 39
    edited June 2023

    So, this is a brand new computer. It took some time to install all those products, but I have gigabit internet connection so i was able to do it in like, a day, while watching netflix. Should I just punt and do a complete reinstall of everything at this point and start over? I'm going to have this thing for years, and right now I have nothing invested in it on the "setup" side but a day's work or so. Or is there some way I can fix whatever got borked when I logged in and downloaded all the metadata? I have read a few thngs that indicate that daz is a bit wonky to uninstall and reinstall, but I could take the scortched earth philosophy and format the drives and reinstall windows, etc, if necessary. Seems a bit extreme, but I don't want to have issues for years because of some stupid mistake I made the first day.

    p.s. Does anyone have the product below? I'm curious if someone installed it fresh today with DIM if it would work for them

    Post edited by Banyan on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    No need for drastic measures, but first stop logging in to DS, then go to the 'Smart' content, select everything and choose uninstall - This will only uninstall those that have been installed by DAZ Connect.
    Then you need to refresh the metadata with what has been installed by DIM.

    Someone may have more accurate instructions, as I have never logged in to DS and have never had to fix the problems caused by DAZ Connect myself.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848

    Do bear in mind that some people are less than objective in their assessment of Daz Connect. It is true that installs can fail, and that can cause issues, but on the other hand it does have beenfits (keeping each product separate makes it much easier to find the assocaited files, for example, and updates can be limited to only the changed files rather than having to redownload the whole package). I do agree that there is no need to let daz Studio go onl;ine if you are using a different installation method.

  • BanyanBanyan Posts: 39

    Nothing was installed witih Daz Connect though. If I go to any given product, whether it was installed by DIM correctly or one of the broken ones, a right click only offers an "Install" option. I'm serious, all I did was log on and update metadata, every single thing on my new machine was installed by DIM.

    (this is not the case with my old machine, which I am currently using to try things I was always afraid to before, because I don't care that much if I break stuff on there now. But this older box has the exact same set of busted products.)

  • BanyanBanyan Posts: 39

    Hey, I think I found something. I checked the DIM log file for installing one of the problematic pieces of content. It contained a few hundred lines of this, repeated over and over:
    2023-06-20 20:48:20.418 [VERBOSE] :: 71121-1 : Saving adjacent package supplement.
    2023-06-20 20:54:29.198 [INFO] :: Installing: 71121-1 : Catherine HD for Genesis 8 Female(s)
    2023-06-20 20:54:32.624 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db fetch error: Attempt to convert null to long long
    2023-06-20 20:54:32.624 [INFO] :: db fetch error: Attempt to convert null to long long
    2023-06-20 20:54:32.628 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db fetch error: Attempt to convert null to long long
    2023-06-20 20:54:32.628 [INFO] :: db fetch error: Attempt to convert null to long long
    2023-06-20 20:54:32.632 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db fetch error: Attempt to convert null to long long
    2023-06-20 20:54:32.632 [INFO] :: db fetch error: Attempt to convert null to long long

    and then at the very bottom after a few hundred lines of these, this:

    2023-06-20 20:54:33.008 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db fetch error: Attempt to convert null to long long
    2023-06-20 20:54:33.008 [INFO] :: db fetch error: Attempt to convert null to long long
    2023-06-20 20:54:33.033 [INFO] :: Install Successful: Catherine HD for Genesis 8 Female(s)
    2023-06-20 20:54:33.042 [INFO] :: Install Queue Finished: 0 min 3.8 sec

    I don't know what's going on there, but that's the problem.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848

    Looks likea  metadata issue of some kind - please report it, with the log attached, to Technical Support.

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