DAZ crashing

I have scenes which rendered with earlier versions of DAZ but are causing the current version to crash. Are those scenes forever lost to me? Meaning no longer render'able? They rendered fine with whatever version of DAZ was current in Oct 15, 2021


  • Drogo NazhurDrogo Nazhur Posts: 1,164

    These rendered fine two years ago but now they crash DAZ

  • vectorinusvectorinus Posts: 120

    Do they crash the program while you are rendering in Iray and in 3DLight too? 

  • Drogo NazhurDrogo Nazhur Posts: 1,164

    Only Iray. I am going for a comic book effect and 3Delight won't give me that effect. It didn't crash with the version of DAZ that was running in Oct 2021 but now it won't render.

  • vectorinusvectorinus Posts: 120

    Because there are no predetermined replies, you could do your own research. Leave only one main object in the scene, the default light. You can also try turning off most of the Surface tab options and rendering with those options turned off. If the program does not crash, you can sequentially enable options and render again until a crash occurs. Perhaps this will reveal the cause.
    I have a lot of old scenes and I'm worried about them now. But I don't have time to test their rendering in the new Das Studio (I have Daz Studio 4.20 installed).

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