Environment prop (car) morph issue - affecting pose controls

All - I created a custom morph on a daz car prop. I imported the model into blender, modified the geometry, and imported the change back into daz as a morph. The morph consists of being able to move the car's shifter. The car model itself has pose controls that let you open and close the doors, adjust the seats, and turn the wheels. I successfully imported the morph back into Daz and it works, the shifter moves as I adjust the percentage. Problem is, all the other pose controls move too when I adjust the morph (wheels scale, doors open/close, etc.).  I tried locking the pose control parameters as well as setting their min and max settings to a fixed position but this has not worked.

Is there any way to isolate the morph from the pose controls? 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838

    Are you sure the mesh you exported didn't have any of those in effect already? Have you use ERC Freeze on your morph, or another controller, to achieve the desired effect, or do you just set the morph directly with nothing else (intentionally) affected?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,114

    Pls try : Zero Figure Pose of the car before exporting to obj. When importing obj back with Morph Loader Pro, use Reverse Deformations + Delta Only and give a unique Name to the morph.

    BTW, for such a case of 'moving shifter or sth.', better go for 'rigging' in DS other than 'morphing' outside though the latter works in most of the cases...

  • Are you sure the mesh you exported didn't have any of those in effect already?

    When you say "in effect", are you referring to the value of a particular pose control value being set to something other than zero?

    Have you use ERC Freeze on your morph, or another controller, to achieve the desired effect, or do you just set the morph directly with nothing else (intentionally) affected?

    I'm not sure what ERC Freeze is (I will look it up), but to adjust the morph I made I select the vehicle in the scene outline, click on 'Morphts' in the parameters tab, then adjust the morph value slider. When I do, the wheels scale, the doors open, etc.

  • OK I seem to have solved the problem of the doors opening and closing. I did this by setting all the pose control values to zero before I exported to .obj. I re-imported my morph and now the doors don't open and close when I adjust the morph percentage. The only thing left are the wheels. When I adjust the value of my morph, the wheels scale in size. The higher I set my morph, the smaller they get. There is a pose control that can be used to spin the wheels, and it's default value (clean import into a new scene) is -100.0%. I set this to zero as well before I exported, but the problem still remains.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838

    That most likely means that the wheels were rotated on export - the morph will then move their points along a straight line between the base position and the rotated position, which if they were rotated 180 degrees would shrink them to a not on the axle and then grow them back to full size.

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