Animation - Is there any documentation for graphMate?
![eric susch](
Struggling with animation in DAZ Studio. Working now with keyMate and graphMate. Is there any documentation for graphMate? I've searched and watched a few video tutorials but there doesn't seem to be much out there.
Specifically if anyone knows... what exactly do the three fields Tension, Continuity and Bias do to the curve and how do you use these fields?
Tension will slow down the movement as it gets near the keyframe and speed up again when it has passed the keyframe, use high tension to slow it down at the end for example.
Continuity accentuates a break or change, negative continuity makes a sharp change, positive a less sharp change.
Bias determines whether an items spline path leans to one side of a keyframe or the other (neg = more slack incoming, 0 = equal slack, pos = more slack outgoing).
Not easy to explain, the best thing is to try them and see how they work and what they do to the curve, maybe some pictures will help, not for graphMate but it's the same idea:
There isn't any PDF included with graphMate ?
There's no documentation for graphMate as far as I can tell. Nothing in the Library/ReadMe's folder. Nothing on the Go Figure! website either.
Thanks for that link. It helps a lot. I'll play around and see if I can make the curves do what I want.
One question: Why does DAZ Studio not have one all unified manual? Even Poser has a 1000 pages long manual which gets updates regularily.
Why doesn't DAZ do something like that instead of refering us to YouTube? I want everything in one place and not spread all around the internet.
Imagine if Autodesk said to you "Well, we have no updated 3DSmax nor Maya manual. You're oficially bonked! Have a nice day!"
We, the customers, actually buy a lot of content and it would be super helpful having one unified piece of user guide instead of stuff all over the web.
That 80 pages PDF file does not count. It's just a starters guide.
GraphMate is by GoFigure, not DAZ.
Yes, but a user manual by Gofigure would also be welcome, should it be Animate2 or GraphMate or KeyMate, and evenmore the 3 of them together.
To be clear, I don't consider the page as a userguide.
Animate2 has a great set of official video tutorials on that same page. The other two don't, which is a pity, I admit.
I would no say so, because 3mn videos are not replacing in depth articles. The logic of aniblocks is not explained in the videos, and most topics remain to the mere experimentation of the users.
I usually bake my own aniblocks and complete my scenes in KeyMate.
"Mental Ray" is also not from "Autodesk", but the Autodesk products contain full documentation. It'd just be nice to have a full package of information or an updated help file and not stuff hidden all over the web. It's just that it'd be so more efficient and professional.
Anyway, this does not decrease my love for DS. <3