Question about the iRay Converter for Genesis and Generaton 4 Bundle

In the promo comments for this product, it states: As a bonus in this bundle, you will find scripts allowing the transfer of the skin properties of a figure to the genitalia of the figure for Generation 4 Male, and Genesis Male(s) and Female(s). Does this mean that if I have a genesis figure with M4 textures on him, and the geografted gens on him, that I can use a script to transfer the skin properties to the geografted gens? I'm asking because currenetly the geografted gens will not accept the skin properties.
No, it means that skins that already fit can be given Iray-optimised settings, the product isn't amap transfer tool.
Well I'm not sure I clearly understand what you are trying to do. But you should at the end have a perfect continuity between Genesis and its Genitalia, in term of shaders.
The script will : read all the maps and some important settings of the Genitalia and "remember" them, then read the torso material of Genesis and copy it (shader included) to the Genitals, and finally will reapply the right maps on the right place, and play with some opacity values it "remembers" too.
But you have a few things to make sure the transfer process work : first that nothing is parented to nothing. (the figure must not be parented, the gens must not be parented). Then you have to make sure you select Genesis first and Genesis Genitalia second, with CTRL hold down to be sure to have them both selected, and only both of them, and only and in this specific order. This is sumarized in the "GnT !Genitalia Procedure Details" pop up window.
I can probably help you, but there are a few things I need to know : What is exactly the script doing for you? Showing an error message? What is the initial shader you start from on Genitialia?
EDIT : One more thing I remember, it is that this transfer needs the skin torso to be "Iray uber" (what you have when you use the other files of the Iray Converter products). It is made to be compatible with the Iray converters not with "any shader".
Thank you for the comments. I have not bought the product. I was just asking about what it does.
Oh ok I feel better I thought my script was not doing its job, and I was wondering what could have happened. Now I can answer more clearly. This script, once you have used the converter on the main figure, and eventually the customisation script on the main figure, will transfert all the skin properties to the genitalia. It just behaves as if you copy the surfaces of the body to the genitalia, but the genitalia keeps all its original maps. All the associated colors and dials are the same as the ones you use on the rest of the skin.
If I might ask another question or three: (1) Might the product work on David 3 figures? I still have a few D3_s I like to use. And, (2) if I bought the bundle and used the product on Michael 4 figures: well you said nothing is parented to nothing. (the figure must not be parented, the gens must not be parented). But here you were talking about the genesis figures only, correct? The gens are usually parented in the case of an M4 or a D3 figure. Once again, (3) in the product description it mentions genesis and generation 4 figures, but not genesis 2 figures. So, for the genesis 2 figures, I would just use the iRay materials included with D|S 4.8, correct? Hope I'm not being overly picky, but I just like to know before I buy. Good luck with your product. OK, went to your product page. By the way, your products look interesting. I'll explore your store a bit more.
No, no, no issue, you are right to ask :
(1) I don't know, and I cannot test, since I don't have the David 3 figure. I have a "David" but no David 3. In order for it to work, it would require that the skin and eyes and (inner) mouth surface names are the same than the one of Genesis or Generation 4 figure. You can see this surface names in the "surfaces" tab of when you select your figure. All and only the surfaces having the same surface names will be transfered. For the David 3 Genitalia to be transfered too (I don't know if it exist), it should have the same surfaces as the one of Generation 4 or Genesis.
(2) yes, that's it, this is automatically parented only with Genesis. But I also thought about people who might have parented the Gens themsleves in order to have a cleaner scene, and would like after that launch the tranfer. They would have to unparent before.
(3) Yes, there were already so many people coming with Genesis 2 shaders that I did not want to come in the "middle of the G2 rush" without bringing something more or something new, well adding some values. This is why so far the products are only for Genesis and Generatin 4. There are several things you can do for Genesis 2
a. Well for instance, if you have the Generation 4 UV sets for Genesis 2, you can set up a Generation 4 skin on a generation 4 figure, using Iray Converter for Generation 4, save as a material preset, and apply it on Genesis 2.
b. You can also apply the main converter of Iray Converter for Genesis directly on Genesis 2, it will work for Genesis 2. (but you loose the normal maps during the transfer). The one for Generation 4 works too, with generation 4, the eyes are better adapted for genesis 2, the skin settings are less adapted for Genesis 2.
c. You can also use the materials/shaders provided by Daz, or by some artists on the store.
Thanks for your interest in my store! I don't know, since my product is not a "PA festival discound any more", it may you have a 30 days 100% warranty reimbursment (I think), it lets you enough time to test it and ask for a reimbursment if it does not fit your specific needs. And keep it othewise (lol).