All my Toolbars are gone

When i started DS today, most of my toolbars were gone. This includes the big top icon bar(with undo/redo etc), a custom vertical sidebar on the left side and also all the custom actions i've created. Also the "scripts" shortcuts and some docked tabs. I can re-enable the icon bar via workspace settings, but then it's the default one, without all my customizations. I havent updated DS in minimum a week and yesterday everything was fine when i closed DS. All i did in between is I installed the and i doubt thats the reason.

Is there any chance to get my customized UI back?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Do you take backups? Had you saved your layout? The files with the layout are in %appdata%/daz 3d/studio4/, with a sub-folder for saved user layouts. If you have backups you can just restore them (actions.dsx, customactions.dsx, layout/dsx, menus.dsx, and toolbars.dsx).

  • Mr_FluffkinMr_Fluffkin Posts: 128

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Do you take backups? Had you saved your layout? The files with the layout are in %appdata%/daz 3d/studio4/, with a sub-folder for saved user layouts. If you have backups you can just restore them (actions.dsx, customactions.dsx, layout/dsx, menus.dsx, and toolbars.dsx).

    Not for the layout, unfortunatly. I do have that studio4 folder and all your named files, but not in the saved user layouts subfolder, so i guess thats the currently used ones. However, if i open them in a texteditor, i still see all my custome actions in there, they are just not shown in DS anymore.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    In that case, arte the files still in the correct place? If DS can't resolve the path to the custom action then it won't show the menu entry or button.

  • Mr_FluffkinMr_Fluffkin Posts: 128

    Richard Haseltine said:

    In that case, arte the files still in the correct place? If DS can't resolve the path to the custom action then it won't show the menu entry or button.

    I guess not, I'm not sure where they're supposed to be? I can find them in "AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4", but i guess that's not the right place?

  • ShelLuserShelLuser Posts: 749

    "Gone" may also refer to not showing ("hidden") but still there. What does it say when you press F3 and then check the 'Toolbars' section (right side of the window)? Does that still list any entries?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    I meant the files that the custom actions are pointing to.

  • Mr_FluffkinMr_Fluffkin Posts: 128

    ShelLuser said:

    "Gone" may also refer to not showing ("hidden") but still there. What does it say when you press F3 and then check the 'Toolbars' section (right side of the window)? Does that still list any entries?

    Only the default ones and Meshgrabber, my custom tools aren't there. But on the left side, i still see all my custom actions i've created in the past. Just not in the menu bar.

  • Mr_FluffkinMr_Fluffkin Posts: 128

    Richard Haseltine said:

    I meant the files that the custom actions are pointing to.

    Ah, i see. Yes, they're all where they supposed to be.It just seems that the 4 files are getting completly ignored.

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Oddly enough, the same happened to me yesterday. Luckily, I could reset my theme to retrieve all the panels, and I don't have many custom actions, so those were quickly renewd as well.

    Did you perhaps update DIM? That's the only thing I can think of that could have triggered this oddity. I didn't move any files, and my Studio doesn't log in to Connect, so the software shouldn't be 'phoning home' to trigger such an error.

  • Mr_FluffkinMr_Fluffkin Posts: 128

    Nath said:

    Oddly enough, the same happened to me yesterday. Luckily, I could reset my theme to retrieve all the panels, and I don't have many custom actions, so those were quickly renewd as well.

    Did you perhaps update DIM? That's the only thing I can think of that could have triggered this oddity. I didn't move any files, and my Studio doesn't log in to Connect, so the software shouldn't be 'phoning home' to trigger such an error.

    No, I always use Daz Central, never even installed DIM. Daz Central is also the only DS relevant thing i started in between my 2 DS Sessions. I didn't changed anything on my compouter at all in the meantime, the menus just disappeared from one day to the next. I also work offline in DS, Version is

    The menus and layout are quick to re-setup for me, but the custom actions hurt a lot. I still hope i can resque them. I mean, everything in my customactions.dsx is still there and linked properly, the file just gets ignored by DS somehow, for my understandings. I created a new customaction because I thought DS would maybe generate a new customactions.dsx then, where i could copy the code from the old customactions.dsx into. But I can't find a new one. The customaction is successfully created, shown and is working in DS, but I have no idea where Daz links the information now. Not in my customactions.dsx anymore, it seems.

    But thanks for the reply, interesting that you had the same problem. I already thought it must have been my mistake, because I could find no other people/threads with the same problem. Even though I've absolutly no idea how I could've caused this. But now that we're 2 already, I maybe give it some more days, before I resetup all my custom actions by hand. :)

    And one more question: Is there any menu in DS, where I can see or even set the path to the customactions.dsx? Or is this going hand in hand with the chosen layout or the like?

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