it too easy to lose your tokens be careful with friebis
So got vanhelsing this morning and eded up with 7 token. tried to find onother good deal with the daz 50% off flash sale. decided to wait until tommarrows sale so cleared cart. just checked the friebies and see they changed. grab a few. 1 click purchase as no info needed for a cart of )$. and wait. what did that say! yep go back to store 7 token gone. 35% discount on the freebies. this has happened twice in the past on 5% cut i just lost a 35% discount from a 70$ purchas while collecting frieebies. so be warned.And how hard is it ro remove tokens from applies when i empty cart or the value of the cart is 0$ Ps I have also seen fribies go unfree while adding a coupon code for other items in cart. 0# becam 4.XX$ so never trust your cart with friebies in it.
You could always open a ticket with sales support and explain what happened. They might give your tokens back.
You can ask Daz to restore your lost tokens.
I think the point soulofthesword_88604559d2 made is valid, it should not be possible to use tokens on a cart of $0 value. It also once happend to me and several others. I think it's unfriendly to customers not to change this, plus why make thing busier for Customer Services if you can solve it with a bit of code.
I had the same problem with buying a gift card. Someone at DAZ must have noticed and the points were restored. On;y to lose some of them again when the points expired a day early on July 1.
The problem can arise easily if you are testing a cart with tokens and then delete the cart. The tokens remain applied and will be used on your next order which might be just freebies or a gift card . If you don't happen to notice that they are still being applied you could easily lose them.