A script to convert hair types.

RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
edited July 2023 in Product Suggestions

A script to convert hair types.

Select the hair and you can convert the hair from dforce to non dforce.

I am quite sure a strand-based hair cannot be converted to a mesh based hair but it is the type of shader used that Blender cannot use.

Something about "dual lobe"? I apologize for not understanding dual lobe yet...

It would be nice to convert dforce hair to non dforce hair.

Like, who needs dforce on chest/body hair? Really.

I do love that some hair has tons of editable parameters like, clumping and density etc...

But because it is dforce, mesh grabber and geometry editor cannot be used on it. 

I could use a lot of assets in many more situations if I had a converter from dforce to non dforce hair.

And from dual lobe to whatever nondual lobe is...

Blender, through diffeomorphic, can only render about 2/3 of Daz hair types.

Post edited by RexRed on


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,686

    I am not sure what you are hoping for.

    Strand-based hair and polygon hair is 2 totally different things that not just can be converted. You could set up an approximation to convert polygon hair to lines, but I can't see it done the other way around.

    Are you aware that dForce hair is in 2 variations, one using dForce Hair and one using dForce Cloth.

    But if you don't want it to dForce, then just don't simulate it.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,936
    I must admit I would love it too. I have never yet succeeded in getting SBH to look good, and in all honesty if the hair is so poor out of the box, why should I waste time tinkering with it to make it better? I find it immensely irritating that SBH is not always adequately identified and is confusable with cloth dForce hair. If there was a way of converting, I'd be able to use the assets I have wasted money on. I must admit, I can't begin to imagine how it could be done, which is why I have not tried it myself. Regards, Richard.
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,599
    edited July 2023

    it can be exported as mesh but it's very heavy, millions of polygons

    enable view PBR hairs line tessaltion 3 and export an obj

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I am just the opposite, looking for more dforce hair. It seems less and less is hitting the store lately and dforce hair is all I use now. I wasn't a fan of SBH dforce hair products, but this new addon has changed that for me


  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,936
    I have seen ChevyBabe's shader. It's currently full price, and amounts to a big proportion of what I have spent here since April. And.. it does feel like a big risk of throwing good money after bad, spending more to try to make something inherently flawed seem marginally less bad. Regards, Richard.
  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

    FSMCDesigns said:

    I am just the opposite, looking for more dforce hair. It seems less and less is hitting the store lately and dforce hair is all I use now. I wasn't a fan of SBH dforce hair products, but this new addon has changed that for me


    I am not saying I don't want dforce hair, but why make hair dforce if it is so short that running a simulation on it nothing will happen to it anyway? For instance, body hair?

    I mostly work with scantly clothed male characters that usually have short head hair and body hair everywhere face/body.

    Dforce hair usually cannot be edited in geometry editor.

    So, you get hair sticking through clothing and there is nothing in Daz to fix this.

    These body hair products are great products except for them being dforce. And why make body hair dforce?

    So, these awesome products are useless to me because I cannot trim the hair with geometry editor around the waist and pant line.

    If you go to edit > object > geometry > remove deforce modifier... it does not work. 

    I am all for dforce, I use it for clothing, bedding, and the occasional a figure with long hair. I use dforce in almost every scene I make.

    There should be a way to strip the assets of dforce for many other applications. Even clothing, clothing rarely has enough morphs. The morphs are pretty much useless in many cases.

    Mesh grabber is the only way to make stuff fit. Skull caps, the morphs are useless, mesh grabber is the only way to make them fit. 

    Mesh grabber does not work with Dforce. So, it does not matter how many surface parameters there are to a hair product, if you cannot get it to fit your figure’s head, you are "forced" to choose another hair option.

    Then, there is smoothing... I figured maybe you can use smoothing to collide with clothing so it would neatly tuck the hair under the leg of your shorts or around the waist. Well, that doesn't work. Add a smoothing modifier, set the pants as a collision item to your hair and the hair just sits there poking through the fabric of your pants anyway.

    The most awesome body hair product ever sold in the Daz store (incidentally for Genesis 9) is useless to me because it was made dforce… 

    If I could strip this dforce away from this product with a script, I could then use this product I have purchased...

    I don’t care if I lose morphs in the process, it would be nice if I could keep the amazing surface parameters. I will then have mesh grabber and geometry editor to fit and trim the hair to the figure the way I need it. 

    Oh and, I just ran a dforce simulation on the (Gen 9) body hair, the hair did not move but only the slightest fraction. Why is this body hair dforce?Dforce run amok.

    Dforce run amok.

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