Tutorial: Do not convert shoes but rebuild them

It probably is old news but I haven’t found it being mentioned: the whole struggle with failed shoe conversions might quite easily be avoided.
I hope someone can confirm that this method works, so far I haven’t found any major flaws.
The big plus: It should work for all Genesis generations.
First load a stock source model, in my case G3 Female (white) and a stock target model, in my case G8.1 Female (silver)
Then move the legs from the target model in the position of the source model.
Load the shoes you want to convert to the source model with the appropriate foot pose. This one is from Rendo, tho.
Make the shoes invisible and pose the target’s feet as close as possible to the same position. Save this foot pose as a pose preset for future use.
Then load the shoes you want to convert also to the target model with the autofit dialogue as follows:
Next change the resolution of the shoes on the source model as much as on the target model to base resolution. (Here I had to change my Workspace Layout to make the palettes visible, so the screenshots start to look a bit different)
Export the shoes from the source model to obj with the following options checked:
Now open Morph Loader Pro (Edit -> Object -> Morph Loader Pro) with the following objections checked:
Important: Reverse Deformations should be put to “Yes” and Overwrite Existing to “Deltas Only”!
Afterwards you can dial in the new morph. I found that it often works better with something below 100%, in this case around 80%. Possibly you need to add a Smoothing Modifyer as well.
Change the resolution back to High and save these shoes as a new Prop asset to a directory of your choice. Preferentially the one you used for the foot pose already.
And done. You should be able to use the shoes on every other model of the generation you converted it to.
Surely it works. The dial could be 100% as long as you make their feet poses almost the same. Then you need to check and fix pJCMs as well.
'This method also works for converting any shoes from V4 to Genesis X figures.
work like a charm, thank you Laurita