Website Navigation Update/Testing 2023



  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2023


    OK, so now I have ... no drop-down/side-thrust menu whatsoever. No text thing, no giant images. I click on "Shop" and ... it just takes me to the /shop page! RADICAL!

    Which, frankly, suits me just fine. They can keep it like this for me. Means I don't have to keep jumping down to the bottom of the page. (which, actually, doesn't save a click but is somehow FAR less annoying than having to click twice on that stupid text menu.)

    Oh, and it looks like the Search box is now permanently (... well. "permanently".) open instead of needing to click on the word "Search".

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,515

    I hope it's not just temporary: Under 'Community' a normal menu opens today with the categories 'Gallery', 'Forums', 'Blog', 'Press', and 'Help' - like before, in better times! What reason was there to change this when redesigning the store, and to make the user go through all these cumbersome, annoying procedures? I use DuckDuckGo as a browser for my iPad.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797

    Seems much better. It's good to see the detour signs down. Lately, it felt like under-construction road closures, where you have to take a bunch of detours to get from point A to Point B.

  • ValiskaValiska Posts: 103

    Now instead of the side menu, which was OK, I have big images. I strongly dislike it.

    1. Inconsistent behavior of the top menu. I now have to avoid clicking on the left half of top menu (SHOP, TECHNOLOGY, COMMUNITY); but I have to click on the right half (DOWNLOAD STUDIO, ACCOUNT, shopping cart icon). Then once I click down into the 3D Models and Assets menu bar, and the rest of the page, I have to click on everything.

    The no-click left half of the top menu and its submenus, being inconsistent with the clickable right half of the same menu, and then with every other element on the shopping pages, is a  makes me attend to basic navigation instead of what I'm trying to look at. It is unpleasant to use.

    2. Once I avoid clicking on the left half of the top menu, in order to get the submenus, on the average I have to move the cursor across half the screen.

  • I am getting really irritated with the picture drop down menus on the forums, as every time I move the mouse to or from the back button, the letterbox slot of the window I use disappears under pictures that are of NO FLIPPING INTEREST TO ME WHATSOEVER. And then they stay visible until I scroll the mouse wheel to get rid of them.

    So, my verict: Deeply Irritating, Frustrating & Infuriating.



  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    They didn't swap everybody out.  I still have the huge top dropdowns.

    After weeks of this, I have learned to (mostly) avoid scrolling over the shop-technology-community menu sections.

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,275

    Reading this, I'm happy to say I still have the semi-annoying side bar navigation. The image one sounds so much worse. Didn't these people ever take a web design course?

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903


    And on mine, I just saw that the notification bell is gone and the orange banners are back.

    It appears that they've now branched into A/B/C testing. (Testing three options with three groups. Could be more; I've only been in two and heard about the other.)

  • ValiskaValiska Posts: 103
    edited August 2023

    I so hate the expletive-deleted huge popups that show up when I don't carefully avoid moving over the top menu, I think I'm going to write custom CSS for this site to get rid of them.


    Post edited by Valiska on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Last time I checked in, I got small dropdown menus at the store, just the titles no graphics - That was nice, but now I'm back to the huge drop down graphics again crying

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881

    I currently have the black side bar menu version. Forum search doesn't work at all now. On my PC Windows 10 with Firefox, it never finds anything (regardless of what search term I use) and finally just gives a 504 gateway error. On my Samsung phone, with either the Samsung browser or Chrome, it says Search Forums, but it returns store results instead of forum results.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,194

    I no longer have the bell; I presume (but can't tell at the moment) that I'm back to the orange banners. Unfortunately I still have the worthless big black dropdowns.

  • Yeah! laugh

    Opening the Shop Menu in a new tab is back to one right click ... and it looks much more attractive - Thank you


  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,515

    If I click on 'Only Show +' on Tuesday or Friday, whether with 'Hide Items I Own' or not, I only get to see one of the two current Daz+ items at a time; the other remains missing. This week it's 'DD PBR Brick Wall Shaders for Iray Vol 2', which I only know exists because I receive the Daz+ promo newsletter. On Tuesday it was 'Secret Level Passage'. This is annoying if, like me on Tuesday, you want to buy both items together to get the discount. And of course it's annoying for Daz itself or, if applicable, the PAs, who lose out on sales as a result. 

    I have been seeing this error for a fortnight now.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    caravelle said:

    If I click on 'Only Show +' on Tuesday or Friday, whether with 'Hide Items I Own' or not, I only get to see one of the two current Daz+ items at a time; the other remains missing. This week it's 'DD PBR Brick Wall Shaders for Iray Vol 2', which I only know exists because I receive the Daz+ promo newsletter. On Tuesday it was 'Secret Level Passage'. This is annoying if, like me on Tuesday, you want to buy both items together to get the discount. And of course it's annoying for Daz itself or, if applicable, the PAs, who lose out on sales as a result. 

    I have been seeing this error for a fortnight now.

    They are in

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,515

    Thank you, PerttiA. But if they already offer this handy 'Only Show +' selection option, maybe it should work too....  ;-)

  • There has ben an occasional issue with new items showing in the main store since the new categories went live - I think items that were through QA but not released may have been missed. The + items have been updated, and today's should now be showing correctly with the filter for + items only checked.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,064

    I've been switched back to black sidebar, just when I was becoming accustomed to the image dropdown, which needs only one click, whereas the black sidebar needs two.

  • joannajoanna Posts: 1,620

    Omg, I got the image dropdown, and on my 24" screen it takes up 90% of the space (vertical images). Now I'm looking forward to accidentally moving my mouse over the top menu. It's gonna be fun (not).

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760
    edited August 2023

    UGH. I have the horrible image dropdown now! [What on earth]??? I had just gotten used to the stupid side text menu and now I can't move my mouse up without triggering that Godforsaken image drop down that covers the entire screen.

    STOP FIXING THINGS THAT ARE NOT BROKEN!! for [goodness] sake. angry

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797
    edited August 2023


    Edit: angry angry angry

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • This is still A/B/C testing - I've gone from the image menus to something very like the old menus. It isn't final, they are just (I believe) switching people around to average out the testing results. I don't know if there will be a final round, so everyone gets all three options, or when we will get a (more-or-less) finalised result. Daz Steve did say Daz was reading their thread, adn the forum team certainly is, so please feel free to offer criticisim (but ideally try to give a reasoned assessment, though a simple yuck - or yummee - isn't without its uses).

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,332

    I also went from the image menu to the old-style menu. Seems a lot better now. 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627

    yeah I utter a few yucks everytime it happens too

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Now I have the drop-down text menus (no pictures) on the main shop page, product pages, Freebies, Fastgrab. Much cleaner, not as obtrusive.

    Still have the picture menus on DAZ+ page, Tokens, Lightning Deals, but I suspect they will come around soon.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2023

    I just got switched to the giant image menu. Good lord, that's horrid. Even worse coming from a reasonable setup to this. Thing is, if the images and selections were a quarter of their size, they'd still be usable, and it would be fine. There's just no reason for these giant images.

    Weird thing is, the previous menu switches seemed to happen at store rollover; this one happened, I think, sometime around close of business day. Didn't expect that.

    Back to using the bottom of the page, I guess.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881
    Now you understand what we've been complaining about for weeks! On my laptop, those images cover the whole screen.
  • Mine just switched from the image menu to the sidebar today. I vastly preferred the image menu.

    Hopefully when Daz is done testing we can just pick which we'd prefer.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881
    edited August 2023

    Mine just switched to the single click bar at the top (no big image drop down and no black side bar menu). I much prefer this current state, which resembles the way things used to be before all this A/B/C resting caused navigation to get more difficult. Things are easier again! yes

    The blue bar at the top of the forum still keeps scrolling away, though. no

    Post edited by barbult on
  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694

    barbult said:

    Mine just switched to the single click bar at the top (no big image drop down and no black side bar menu). I much prefer this current state, which resembles the way things used to be before all this A/B/C resting caused navigation to get more difficult. Things are easier again! yes

    The blue bar at the top of the forum still keeps scrolling away, though. no

    Enjoy it while it last... 

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