Malice and Mayhem--Naughty or Nice? Live in the Store Now [Commercial]

Malice and Mayhem, redone for G2Female
Coming soon...

1554 x 1749 - 877K

1848 x 1932 - 701K

1191 x 1500 - 637K

1600 x 1600 - 553K

1295 x 1500 - 800K
Post edited by Chohole on
Bravo! Looking forward to them.
Thanks!! :) And thanks also for that other...
Another one...and yes, those are two different colored eyes. It's a condition known as (in this case,complete) heterochromia. I made a heterochromia eyes for stuff... :D
super nice as usual, lets say "gypsyangel quality level" ;-)
what is the hair/hat of the above render?
Thank you!
That's Razor Ann Hair from SWAM, the hat is London Vanity from Prae and the textures on the hat is from the Ladies of London pack from chevybabe and I.
I don't know their policy on links, but they're all at Rendo.
I don't have the originals but I would defeinitely pick up the new versions!
Oh, thanks!! I think you'll like them... :)
I missed the original version on these but they'll go right in the cart.Lots of make up options as usual i see but that ventriliquist doll one is really creepy. o_0
Well...the twins are kind of...interesting...
They started out around eleven years ago on V3/Aiko3. I did a few renders, they were little ghoulish goth twins. Kinda funny, but you didn't want to turn your back on them. Kind of a X between Wednesday Addams and Hannibal Lector, only without the disgusting dining habits. They were also based loosely on the twin girls in The Shining. So they ended up getting fan mail, which was kind of weird...had a few people send me mail wondering when the next M&M render would be posted. So I did Malice and Mayhem's "Fan Club". Remember, this was over a decade ago, so excuse the crappy render . Then "In Sheep's Clothing" for Easter, because according to them, they love any holiday that combines crucifixion, death, the undead and candy.
They just kind of snowballed from there. Took out Freddy Kruger to steal his hat and glove... Moved to V4, they came back older, went commercial and still people use them all the time. And now they're moving to G2. I had some people want them on G3, but, then Poser people couldn't play, and they have a lot of fans (still alive) in the Poser ranks. So I couldn't do that to them. I've had a lot of fun with them over the years. It's been kinda rough because my computer is balking at doing two full blown G2F characters in IRay. And I never used to render one without the other.
Anyway...that's the story behind Malice and Mayhem. They really are kind of a twisted crime scene kinda way...
Cute, adorable and oh so very creepy.
Hadn't noticed that at all /nod
I can see lots of fun here, especially if they are out for halloween; shame you're not considering a G3 version, but can understand your reasoning - maybe one day.
I love the Freddy Kruger and the nurse shots.
Their eyes could be a stand alone pack by themselves...
Here's their eye colors and eyelashes.
Also the gloss lips in IRay. Didn't have room to put both gloss and matte lips on the promo...
This is really a HUGE pack...
They have 16 makeups... 17 if you count the base, no makeup face. :)
This is bigger than Nyota's pack...and her pack was ginormous.
The only "glitch" I've run into---the eye ray eyes don't really work with the eye reflections, (*and there's a bunch of them, too)
But you CAN use the 3Delight eyes. They look great in IRay, but you do have to add a thin water shader to the tear---so I provided a mat for that in the IRay section of the mats.
want it.

But here's their makeup to keep you dreaming the dark...
And their main image...
Live and in the Store... Malice and Mayhem. DEFINITELY naughty...
I would have bought this anyway for the "evil puppet/dead clown" look, of which I'm so enamored, but I have to say that the "crack in the sky" makeup made this an instant purchase!
Oh, thanks!
They are quite the pair... I had a lot of fun with their makeup. :)
I would definitely buy an eye pack like that. Especially for G3 (F or M, or better, both).
I swore I was done spending money after the complete loss of control during the PA sale but ...yeah I guess not. I had to nab these right away.
I've wishlisted it; definitely will get, maybe soon, but may wait. Looks awesome.
Just got this couldn't resist. Great price for all thats included. Working on something now but may not get it done til after thanksgiving.
Then you should pick up Malice and Mayhem. :) The eye mats work fine on Genesis 3 male. If you want to use the reflections, you do have to set those manually because of the UV difference, but otherwise they work great in both iray and 3Delight. Here's Michael 7 with the marble eye mat.
Oh, thanks!!
Yeah, they've been around for a while. :D
Hope you have fun with them. careful. They will conquer your runtime if you don't watch out...
But in my knew this was coming. :D
I really do appreciate it... :D
Well, you should have fun if you decide to pick them up...there's a lot of things in here you won't find anywhere else.
I'd love to see it when you get it done. You can always post images to this thread...
There is a LOT included in this pack, and considering you can use the eyes on G2 or G3, that makes it a steal, really. :)
And thank you!!! :D
Most definitely a steal. I will post them when they are done