DAZ search - add not PC+ checkbox

For folks in the Platinum Club, searching for stuff that matches the requirements of the coupons among hundreds that don't qualify can be annoying - can you add a "non-PC+" checkmark, like the "PC+ only" one, so we can search for products the coupon does apply to (or just allow the coupon to apply to PC+ items too).
I vote for that, too.
Plus one for this please
Seriously. +1.
Add me to the yes please list.
Add me too ...
Yup +11111
+1000 to this idea. ;)
Ditto! A lot of sales and some coupons (ncluding one of the monthly PC+ coupons) exclude PC+ items. An 'exclude PC+' button would be extremely helpful when working with these sales and coupons.
Yeah I would love to see this!
In the meantime there is a work around:
You have to add #filter_platClub=0&filtered=1 on to the end of the URL, or &filter_platClub=0 if the filter already exists.
So if the URL is:
(By the URL you can see we are on page 2, and have a price low to high filter,) so we just need to add &filter_platClub=0 making it:
Now it will show page 2, priced low to high excluding all pc+ items. It's a bit of a hack, but it's good to know.