Corrected V4 UVs on Genesis, why does this product exist?

I've just been looking at trying to get some of my older V4 content to work on the Genesis models, don't know if it's a worthwhile thing to do, but it passed some time. What concerns me is that whilst there is an "M4 and V4 for Genesis" product, there is also a "Corrected V4 UVs" product. So from that I have to presume, that the V4 UVs that come with the M4 and V4 product are not correct, which begs the question, why would I buy something that then requires another product to fix? Or I suppose more importantly, why are Daz selling something that needs fixing? Why don't (or didn't) they just release a proper, fixed M4 and V4 model for Genesis?

So for anyone that has moved some V4 content onto Genesis, how important is the corrected UV product? Or should I just stick with having my V4 content on my V4 model and not bother with any conversion? I can't afford to spend money on broken products and fix-it products, I don't have the luxury of disposable income. So if the benefits are so small in relation to the cost, I'll stick with what I've got... but as I can't demo the products in question, I'm going to have to rely on user feedback, so any is very much appreciated.


  • VhardamisVhardamis Posts: 576

    The faces will be out of whack without the corrected uv. The orignal uv was flawed on V4 for whatever reason they never fixed it.  The corrected one was released by a PA to correct the issues folks were having with the eye and mouth regions after conversions.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    The V4 and M4 UV sets for Genesis come with the base Genesis Starter Essentials -- the M4 and V4 for Genesis product adds the base shapes.  The UV sets that come with Genesis are pretty good, but some of the more intricate makeup looks off, which is what the "Corrected V4 UVs" fixes.

  • The V4 and M4 UV sets for Genesis come with the base Genesis Starter Essentials -- the M4 and V4 for Genesis product adds the base shapes.  The UV sets that come with Genesis are pretty good, but some of the more intricate makeup looks off, which is what the "Corrected V4 UVs" fixes.

    Ah, I thought the UVs were part of the M4 and V4 product. After a quick check, it seems DS allows me to choose from the UV sets, but Poser doesn't seem to have that option, so I'll have to look further into that. I only really use Poser, so I just presumed that extra UV sets were an add-on thing.

    Vhardamis: I think I worded my title badly. I understand why a PA would release a product like this. What I don't understand, is why Daz would release something that needed fixing. That makes no sense unless they were deliberately manufacturing a scenario where they knew a PA could profit from it, especially as what they give you was a free starter pack. Being infinitely cynical, that would seem like a possiblity... but as a potential customer, it would seem extremely stupid to sell something broken, knowing that a PA could offer a fix and make money from it. Whilst great for the PA, it creates great distrust from the side of those wanting to spend money.

    Maybe all this looks different from current DS users, as they get the main programme for free, but I didn't, I purchased the Pro upgrade when you used to have to pay for it. So it looks a bit like they are skewing the market, to create opportunities for profit, at the expense of product quality.

    I don't know, maybe all this is coming from a subconscious place that is frustrated at the current marketplace and its shift to Genesis 3 and DS only products. Maybe I'm just making a mountain rant, where there should be just a molehill moan. It's hard enough trying to use a programme with such limited content due to my own personal situation, but this shift just makes it seem even worse. Even more so as I have some store credit due to a refund on another product, and I am struggling to find something to spend it on. I have a better understanding of where the UV sets now come from at least. Hopefully, everyone can understand where my frustration comes from and forgive my (over?) reaction.

    For now, I will just stick to my V4 figures as it seems the best option. Thanks for the input everyone who answered.

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