Energy FX for Iray

I have had success adapting some magic and energy-blast effects using Iray shaders, but some new props which were designed to take advantage of the emission would be great. Lightning, rays, particle beams, magic spells, etc. have the potential to be rendered incredibly with Iray.
An excellent idea. I have a future mage who could really use some major league science fiction weapons beams.
Something like this?
Yes, those are the sorts of effects I am talking about! The main feature should be that the fx emit light, which should match the visible glow.
Yes, that is how they work. I don't have a release date yet, but I'm hoping for before the end of the month.
My credit card is now on full combat alert.
I will buy this!
I bought this on Thursday and I'm currently on my second render. It really is an excellent product. I've been using it with with G2F/V6 HD with only a few modest adjustments.
You get your money's worth as well, the installer is almost 600 mb!
I hope to post a render later on today.
As per my earlier threat, here is my second render, an eminently tasteful example of the CG artist's work.
It’s a hard life for the Future Realm’s Huge Evil Mechanoids and it's about to get a lot, lot nastier. No sooner have you been created by one of the realm’s mad scientists than you have to face the sisterhood of the Future Mage’s scientist-magicians. If you are really, really unlucky, it will be Archmage Serena, recently equipped with a new set of immensely powerful warrior-spells by the wizards InaneGlory and DestinysGarden.
I bought this immediately. I am still experimenting with the huge amount of possibilities and will post a render soon.
I really like the utility files that are in this product! There is so much to try within iray, and having some presets like the ones for bloom are a big help in learning these features and their settings.
Thank you both for the comments and renders.
Alex, yeah the thing is huge. It sort of snowballed on me, as happens pretty often when I get to making textures. So many possibilities, it is hard to stop.
Connatic, it is so nice to hear the utility files are useful and helpful for learning. I can tell you are having a good time with the bloom. It is so fun. Have you tried any of the FX shader presets on the Tangled Outfit? I bet you can get some interesting results. Had that outfit been available when we were doing promos, you can bet it would have been featured.
I plan on trying the presets on the Tangled Outfit. It would look cool if the energy appeared to generate from the strands.
I have much to learn about how the Bloom actually works, so I can predict the results.
It might be a good idea to post a thread in the PA Commercial Products section. I would definitely make some comments and post renders there. EFX has so many possibilities I am sure many users would like to know about it.