Wanted! Gender specific masquerade masks for G2M for Halloween.


  • I'm sure there are some content creators out there that could pull off some intricate masks like these, with lustrous gilt finishes, aged metal leaf, antique paper textures, luxurious silk and velvets, delicate feathers and intricate filigree.

  • Pretty please, Anyone? Will pay for them. Any of these three will do...

    The one with the feathers should have te white bottom part left out, or have the ability to turn it off.

    470 x 470 - 28K
    470 x 470 - 33K
    466 x 699 - 65K
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Well, there's always these here: http://www.daz3d.com/masquerade-masks

    There's also the Venetian Carnaval Mask: http://www.daz3d.com/venetian-mask-for-genesis-2-female-s ; the material surfaces for the bells and the dangly parts can be hidden, and it autofits to G2M just fine.

    There's also the Feathered Mask and its texture sets at RDNA, as well as the Masques de Kyst. The latter are smart props, and the Feathered Mask can be used as one.


  • I've already had a look at the first two, but they don't have the ornate ornament pieces on them, and they're just one piece, witout the ability to apply different shaders on te actual mask in sections. :/

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