How to add more variety on a ground plane (texturing)

I always come to this point from time to time so maybe somebody can give me a tip: I have a concrete ground in a car mechanic workshop and added the concrete shader I've found with daz studio. I find the diffuse texture from this shader actually not so bad... it is big enough and has no seams so that when an image is rendered with a camera angle where you see more of the ground it looks okay. But I see it in many renders from daz: the ground looks too perfect, too clean. And every time this happens to my renders I wonder how you can add more variety to a ground. For outside scenes I put some grass and stones on a ground plane but in a factory hall or workshop I can not put many objects on the ground. I need to add imperfections to the concrete ground, oil and water stains, pathways of dirt / mudd, drains, things like that.

Can I mix different shaders somehow? Or are decals the way to go (it's just a buzz word to me, I don't know how to use decals...)? For drains: do I need to actually model them into the ground model? I read something about procedural shaders but until now I only know this from Blender and the shader editor there working with nodes but so far I did not realize that there is something like this in DazStudio?!


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