Stuff to fill in the blanks

List of stuff that I would suspect folks need from time to time.
Modern subway ticket station with turnstiles.
Freeway pieces you can click together to include ramp and over pass supports
Urban retaining walls, to use next to roads, edging elevated sections of towns, around river banks, ect.
Beach resort hotel .. not from mad max era
Huge sci/modern pleasure boat
very large sub - like sea quest or such...think underwater cruise ship
placeable helecopter pads to place on buildings
automatic mahjong table
pinball machines
pachico machines
slot machines
large japanese hot springs
mountain roadways
large generic destroyed objects...totally wrecked cars, planes, large generic twisted metal beams..and such
sewer system - interior
theme/ammusment park
major airport
major spaceport
spaceship launch facility (on earth)
major ship docks
waterfront part of town
house entertainment? (cat house)
generic thug generator
grocery store
generic retail shop (interior)
gun store
feel free to make any of this stuff.
A slightly tongue-in-cheek response (but not entirely facetious): I have used captured footage from the Grand Theft Auto games in animations (the publisher is generally OK with it for non-commercial projects - there are thousands at YouTube). Most of the elements you list (and a LOT more) are in there somewhere. With console versions (Xbox, PS), you can only capture the video (& audio) output. I have the Elgato video capture device, which allows hitting the capture button and getting the action BEFORE you hit the button (maybe 5-10 seconds, "Flashback Recording"), so you don't miss a highlight. The PC versions of GTA4 and GTA5 capture the actual animation data to the hard drive (and even have in-game video editing), so you can make post-capture adjustments (camera angle, etc.) Here is an example in a short animation - the game footage starts about 0:49:
I see atleast a few of those on my list of upcoming projects.
I did find one sewer scene but was really a single set.
List extension
Office furniture for the mega rich crowd -- Tony Stark ect.
Skyscrapers - morphable
Large radio/cell towers
TV station news crew vans
fire trucks
rescue vehicles and gear
generic urban destruction...piles of junk found in the street when Godzila or superman get done doing business
commuter train station, trains and related stuff
japan festival stands or county fair stands..with games and such
escalators (prob spelled wrong)
drag and drop elevators
and of course - elevator shaft
billboards with and without lights
Tow truck
Fireplugs, with and without hoses attached
japanese, german,french,chinese,russian street sign package
japanese,german,french,chinese,russian manga style sound effects PS brushes
executive leather office chairs - normal, expensive, unusual, gaudy, and fantasy styles
curtains - office and home..adjustable
baby room furniture
a slider to add general transparency to ANY object.
a matrix pattern shader --green tumbling letters thing
genesis/2/3 male and female cyborg interiors...made to be parented with a standard Gen body, it scales to the attached body. so..if you destroy part of the exterior body, it shows under it
thats it, more ideas for Daz 3 builders with writers block :-P
One more add on to the list
Camo pattern shaders - old school, modern, futuristic, sci-fi, urban grunge, ect.
modern and general camo shader is not needed...found it already listed
A lot of what you ask for above is on the other site. I've gotten skyscrapers, buildings, boats, planes, airport, roadways etc over there.
As for bars there are tons of those here. I own 4.
What other site?
ah, found it, good info.
I can say some of what you are asking for will be avalible soon. ;)
I am working on a graphic novel ... as a hobby, so my obj needs are pretty diverse.
I am not creating art per-say, am telling a sci story so I don't need a building, or a room or a car
I need cities, facilities with multiple full layouts and parking lot filled with everything from beat up VWs to
High Tech assault crafts.
so, that explains my long wish list :-D
REALLY COOL product idea
self morphing face, so if my characters pokes his or her cheek with his index finger, the cheek bends in around the finger
in a logical way.
or if the face gets slapped, it morphs around the hit
use sliders for intensity, low would morph like a gentle touch, high would be a very hard strike.
I would like that, animators would be even more excited.
so all you python ninjas out there...get to it :-P
I've got some camo shaders in the store
(they are 3delight only though)
good call, thxs
putting it on my scary long wish list :-P
is 700 items long for a wish list?