Diffeomorphic HD export not working
Posts: 19
I'm trying to use the Diffeomorphic DAZ exporter (I'm not actually using the diffeo plugin to export but I'm still using that name for sake of clarity), but I'm having no success using the HD exporter to Blender.
On the DAZ side, the plugin (or whatever it's called) seems to work and detect everything, as it takes about 75 seconds to create the DBZ file, but importing it into Blender results in an empty scene.
Using the regular exporter works though, but that's useless to me as the extra geometry is why I'm doing this.
Thank you for reading
Exporting HD is the same as base resolution, the only difference is you have to use the HD script. The geometry is baked form the viewport so you need to set the viewport subdivision to the desired level. Then be sure that "build HD meshes" is checked in the global settings, it should be by default.