180 S-Shape based Ornamental Wrought Iron Patterns ( maps )

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited October 2015 in Freebies


the download and instruction pages


and if you just want the zip and dont want no instructions!!!

direct link to the 16MB Zip 




I created some S Shaped animation paths using the Daz Script script shown below


then i used mcjTransport to create tubes that follow those paths


then i rendered them as 180 800x800 pixels PNGs


and that's what you get here !



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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2015

    Warning : for nerd eyes only

    Here is the script i used to create the animated paths that were 
    then used by mcjTransport to create the tubes ( morphs actually )
    The line that reads "var step = 34 .... " is what sets the animation pattern
    i used values 0 to 180 but there's probably interesting shapes to find using fractions

    As you can see, it's the object ( usually a null node ) named Spline that will be animated

    so you need something labeled Spline in your scene

    The animation path duration is set to 720 frames

    each tube section is 1 cm long

    var tick = Scene.getTimeStep();var node = Scene.findNodeByLabel( "Spline" );var pi = Math.PI;var step = 34 * pi / 180; //<< try 32 degreesvar p = node.getWSPos( 0 );var r = node.getWSRot( 0 );var a = 0var Y = DzVec3( 0, 1, 0 );var rerot = Y.getRotationTo( DzVec3( Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0 ) )for( var fr = 0; fr <= 720; fr++ ){t = fr * tick;node.setWSPos( t, p );r = r.multiply( rerot )p = p.add( r.getYAxis() )a = a + step;rerot = Y.getRotationTo( DzVec3( Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0 ) )}


    Post edited by mCasual on
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