October, 2023 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Atmosphere, Ghosts and Special Effects

New User's Challenge – October, 2023

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest challenge.

We are breaking down each month into 2 different challenges. A Beginner Challenge and then also an Intermediate Challenge.

So which "Challenge" should you choose?

Follow the Beginner Challenge if you are:

  • New to the New User Challenges
  • New to Daz Studio
  • Newer to 3D Rendering in General


Follow the Intermediate Challenge if you have:

  • Participated in the New User Challenge for awhile
  • Know the basics of Daz Studio and would like to learn more in depth topics
  • Been using 3D Rendering Applications for awhile and feel comfortable with learning Intermediate Topics


*Please be sure to list in your post which Challenge level you are participating in*


Closing date for both is October 31, 2023

For a list of the current challenge rules, please see this thread: Challenge Rules

They apply for both versions of the challenge.



  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited October 2023

    Beginner challenge - "Atmosphere"

    • Evoking a particular emotional or aesthetic quality
    • Atmospheric perspective, also known as aerial perspective, refers to the effect the atmosphere has on the appearance of an object as it is viewed from a distance
    • In addition to creating a sense of depth, atmospheric perspective can be used to express environmental conditions and time of day in a work of art


    Creating atmosphere in art is more than simply using some godrays, fog or dust in an image.  It is creating a feeling; a sense of place or time.  It needs to enhance and bring attention to the subject matter.




    for DAZ Studio Iray:


    http://rawart3d.deviantart.com/art/Raw-FogCam-535959358 free product

    https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/334586/tutorial-adding-atmosphere-with-a-depth-canvas - this tutorial explains how to use a Depth Canvas

    https://www.moonscapegraphics.com/post/2016/02/11/adding-an-atmosphere-in-iray - includes a sample scene you can download via Dropbox


    DAZ Studio 3Delight:


    Linwelly's Simple Atmosphere Tutorial for 3Delight ( may also work in Iray ):  https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/1654176/#Comment_1654176


    for Carrara:
    Atmosphere Test Scenes for Carrara: http://www.sharecg.com/v/33708/related/5/3D-Model/Atmosphere-Test-Scenes-for-Carrara



    for Bryce:
    Artist’s guide Sky Lab page 759
    Bryce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahiyabdeUBI DOF in Bryce by David Brinnen

    Bryce 7.1 Pro Easy - Spooky trees in Dan's fog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-lDcqH78Is

    Bryce Basics - Free content cloud over Big Sur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs9490Co-XE


    Atmospheric Basics:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyLOZWevi8g A Blender tutorial but the first 46 seconds really give you an idea of what atmosphere can be like.


    What are some other elements for creating atmosphere:


    An article in DS Creative Magazine (Page 40-41)


    Don't forget to look at previous themed contests where information and hints are available.

    October 2015's contest

    October 2016's contest

    October 2017's contest

    October 2018’s contest

    October 2019’s challenge

    October, 2020's challenge

    October, 2021's challenge

    October, 2022's challenge


    Post edited by Leana on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited October 2023

    There are many products in the DAZ store which can be of help.  You are not required to purchase any of these products to create your images.  They are simply being listed for your convenience and/or inspiration.  The promo images are also excellent examples of atmosphere using props and/or lights.  Below is just a small sample. 


    DAZ Studio - Iray

    Iray Distance Mist

    Iray Distance Fog


    Iray Storm

    Plane Easy Atmospheres

    Fast Fog Iray 2:  Electric Fogaloo -

    IG Iray Dawn to Dusk 2 Atmospheric Lighting

    FSL Rigged and Morphing Atmosphere Props and Shaders

    Fog Camera

    Time Inside Light Gels Bundle

    Cinematic Light FX plus Atmosphere

    Epic Props: Godrays & Volumetric Light for Iray

    Atmospheric Smoke Camera

    Iray Dust

    SY dForce Rain Iray


    DAZ Studio - 3Delight

    Above the Fog for Iray and 3Delight

    Simple Godrays

    Expanded Godrays - Celestial Bodies

    Heavy Rain for 3Delight and Iray


    Daz Studio - Filament

    Atmosphere for Filament

    SY Atmospheric Blur Filament



    Widow’s Woods:  Forest

    RDNA Atmospherics – Fog Vol 1

    Spooky Light Gels for Poser



    Bryce ATMO


    Some other items that may be of help in this Challenge:


    The Golden rules of rendering can be found:

    Bryce  http://www.daz3d.com/golden-rules-composition-helpers-for-bryce
    DAZ Studio http://www.sharecg.com/v/67783/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Golden-Rules-Camera-Prop-v1.5 

    Also, DS has a built in thirds golden rule. 

    Here are various links to other things that may help you in this month's challenge. Credit is given to Szark for this wonderful thread.
    Tutorials by Szark https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/2765/time-for-sharing-what-i-have-no-idea/p1


    Post edited by Leana on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited October 2023

    Here are some examples of images using "Atmosphere" provided by CV L'Adair.

    Heart Of Winter


    In The Misty Moonlight


    The Night Watch


    Dubious Shelter



    Post edited by Leana on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Here are some examples of atmosphere using lighting.

    Strange Discovery


    Yuzuru Full




    This was my home once


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited October 2023

    Intermediate Challenge - Ghosts and Special Effects


    Working with Magical Elements and Forces

    In this challenge you can use lighting, effects, atmospherics, special effects and volumetric effects to bring your artwork to the next level whether it is adding magic to your favourite witchy scene or turning your favourite beloved characters into a ghost set to haunt people’s dreams


    You Tube Tutorials

    Daz 3D Shader Tutorial : Introducing Volumetrics in 4.20

    Creating Atmospheric Ground Fog with Daz Studio 4.20 Volumetric Effects

    Creating Volumetric Fires and Explosions in Daz Studio 4.20

    Erste Schritte mit VDB Volumetrics in Daz Studio 4.20

    Getting Started with Volumetrics in Daz Studio 4.20


    Written Tutorial

    Daz Tutorial new Volumetric Feature in DS4.20


    Various Products that may be of help:

    Muelsfell Storm of Magic Iray FX

    Jepe's Effects - various products

    Special FX for Daz Studio

    Soldiers of Magic: Serpio

    Ultraviolet Shaders, Lights, and Props

    Iray Ghost Shaders

    Vengeful Spirit for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female(s)

    SY Real Fog Iray VDB and SY Real Fog VDB 2

    Oso VDB Magus Effects Volume 1 and Oso VDB Magus Effects Volume 2


    Special thanks to L'Adair for creating an example image containing ghosts.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • Got a quick start fired off here.  I dug out an old pre-Iray set that I had and converted the torch flames to emissives, and converted the walls/floor/cealing to Iray.  I also added some water for reflections using a geomatry shell of the floor.  Final I've got an older monster that I converted to Iray on the one side partly lit by the one torch and with it's eyes set to glow a forbonding red.


    Basicly what I'm going for is we see something's there, but we can't tell what it is clearly.

    500 x 500 - 165K
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Nice start!

    Monster with glowing eyes hidden in the shadows, a great classic which fits the theme perfectly.

    The reflections on the water look good. The flames do look identical, though, so if possible maybe try rotating one of them a bit so that they look less like a copy-paste of each other.

  • Here's version B giving a shot at tweeking the flames some.  At least the one on the right is different, though I can't say clearly on the one closer to the monster even though I did tweek it as well.

    500 x 500 - 164K
  • Got an idea for a potential second project for this month.  We've found a Shadowrunner and are getting a fireball right in the face for our trubbles.

    500 x 500 - 205K
  • f.boschanskif.boschanski Posts: 188
    edited October 2023

    Get Out Of My Head (wip)
    inspired by Elle Kings - Can`t Be Loved

    This is my current project. Thought i should post some wip-pictures.
    While i am not anywhere close to finish, i feel pretty good about the progress made.
    In particular regarding the lighting.
    If you have a look ar rhe first quick render to the actual one, you might get an idea, what i am aiming for.
    Still got to figure out how ro create a decent ghosting effect. The first texperiments, as seen in the first iteration,
    were done with "mesh to volume" and "volume to mesh", then experimenting with different surface settings.
    However, it is still to dense and looks more like marshmellow men standing behind the figure.
    I need to figure out, how to gradually change opacity to zero towards the outer rims. might work with a gradient opacity texture mask?
    Gotta try it out, but first i will try to experiment, if i can`t get a less dense ghost mesh with the current method. Probably need to increase turbulence and allow expansion beyond the borders.
    While the final scene is kinda set now, i had to split it up for these experiments. Otherwise my outdated gfx card doesn`t handle the workload too well.
    Better to do those experiments on smaller scale settings.

    (EDIT: regarding the ghosting... ofc i could try and render layers, then adjust the ghosting layer in photoshop.. However, my goal is to achieve a better effect without postwork. Its all about trying to improve the base render. Not having to fix that much afterwards.)

    2560 x 1440 - 5M
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    Post edited by f.boschanski on
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    This is the first version of my image for this contest in the Special Effects category

    Constructive Feedback welcome.

  • sueya said:


    This is the first version of my image for this contest in the Special Effects category

    Constructive Feedback welcome.

    I like the overall scene. As its just a first iteration, it is hard to tell what the next version would look like.
    As i am just a beginner, take my feedback with a grain of salt. But as you specifically asked for it, i will give it regardless:

    While the overall scene looks interesting to me, i got the feeling the picture does need a much more delicate lighting setup.
    A spotlight + backlight for the character in particular. To have him stand out more. Or maybe the fairy (or magic butterfly?) or whatever it is on his hand, does emitt some light?
    As you see in my example, i am still struggeling myself, setting up proper lighting. Thats why it is a main focus for me for this months challenge.

    I found this tutorial very helpful. https://www.daz3d.com/the-magical-8-point-light-set--daz-studio-tutorial
    While there are many free tutorial out there, this one really showed the options and a shot setup, step by step, within daz studio.
    Apart from the questionable audio quality at the end (and within the second tutorial that he had published), this one is a real treat.
    Helped me a lot to be more concious while doing lighting.
    This is the first tutorial i purchased, where i feel "that was really worth every penny spent"

    btw.: ofc, everyone is welcome to give feedback on my piece(s) too

  • f.boschanskif.boschanski Posts: 188
    edited October 2023

    some progress. i think that does look pretty decent.
    maybe a bit less emission? but i need to check how it impacts the scene so far.
    its more close to what i had in mind when setting up the first render iteration with those marshmellows

    maybe render it as a vignette canvas layer and add a slight wind effect in photoshop.
    but first i am goanne try to play a bit more within daz surfaces

    445 x 720 - 386K
    445 x 720 - 338K
    Post edited by f.boschanski on
  • Midnight Coach to Hell

    My first render for the Intermediate Challenge.

    Midnight Coach to Hell.jpg
    1200 x 675 - 626K
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    Version 2 of my image

    I have changed the light in his hand to a ball with little specks of light. I have added a point light to his hand to illuminate his face.

    I have also toned down the green light on the floor.

  • sueya said:


    Version 2 of my image

    I have changed the light in his hand to a ball with little specks of light. I have added a point light to his hand to illuminate his face.

    I have also toned down the green light on the floor.

    i like the lighting much better on this one.
    if there were things to point out, it would probably the following:

    i find the flat bottom of the light source in his hand disturbing. maybe it could be fixed by changing its x rotation angle a bit? though it could be eased in postwork, i guess.
    that line on the floor..  has it any particular purpose? i would probably rotate it, so that it moves from left bottom corner to the right corner horizon line. that way it would lead the viewers eye towards the main protagonist.
    or maybe just move it towards the horizon line with a more horizontal rotation? currently, i feel it collides/interferes with the interesting shadows your figure casts, while not purposely adding a lot to the scene.

    Please understand, that i do give my feedback from my beginners point of view. Its just what i feel i would try to do, if it was mine, and get an impression how it would work out.
    By no means it is meant to criticize your work.
    The thing is...  when i (we) post images in these threads, its most likely because of the wish for some feedback. and if there is none given, it might feel like there is no purpose in doing so.
    Therefore i decided to give my 2 cents, despite the fact, that i am very limited in my expertise and one should not give too much on what i feel and say about anything regarding rendering.

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    f.boschanski said:

    sueya said:


    Version 2 of my image

    I have changed the light in his hand to a ball with little specks of light. I have added a point light to his hand to illuminate his face.

    I have also toned down the green light on the floor.

    i like the lighting much better on this one.
    if there were things to point out, it would probably the following:

    i find the flat bottom of the light source in his hand disturbing. maybe it could be fixed by changing its x rotation angle a bit? though it could be eased in postwork, i guess.
    that line on the floor..  has it any particular purpose? i would probably rotate it, so that it moves from left bottom corner to the right corner horizon line. that way it would lead the viewers eye towards the main protagonist.
    or maybe just move it towards the horizon line with a more horizontal rotation? currently, i feel it collides/interferes with the interesting shadows your figure casts, while not purposely adding a lot to the scene.

    The line on the floor is part of the texture so perhaps I should think about changing or rotating the texture. 

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    This is my next version of my image

    I have changed the floor texture and altered the light in his hand

  • sueya said:


    This is my next version of my image

    I have changed the floor texture and altered the light in his hand

    Please  explain. How did you go about to change these parts?

    Now i gotta get back on track with my work to keep up with yours.  ;)
    Been lying ill for about 2 weeks now.

    Probably going to do an entire new render that will be less demanding for my system.

  • Hi Everybody,

       So i am really really new to this challenge and actually very new to rendering 3d ...so do i just attach a file (my image) ? and if so what size? as i render pretty big on the ones I save for my best works. Is there anything else i should say or do besides that for the beginner challenge? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

  • marconft6marconft6 Posts: 56
    edited October 2023

    @dreamcatcherp Welcome! Lots of good questions here. First, yes, attach a file. That being said, you might have to size it down to less than 8 MB. These forums struggle with very large image sizes, as you can imagine. Generally, what I do, is just convert it to jpg and it sizes it down. A few times I've had to do other work to get it down in size, but hopefully you won't have to. My renders can get quite large as well.

    If you want the file to show up visually on here - in addition to attaching and without someone clicking on it - then you'll have to attach the image link from your gallery within the "Image" option just above where you type and post in here. Then, within there, you can size the preview down manually. I usually make the width of my image about 800-1000 pixels wide because youi never know what kind of screen someone might view it on. Attaching it this way is probably extra, and not required, but I like to do it this way. (My post will be coming up soon... come on render, hurry up!)

    Oh, and I put way too much detail in my post... you really don't have to do that either, lol

    Post edited by marconft6 on
  • Intermediate Challenge

    Title:  Phantom Express

    About:  In a desolate, overgrown railway station, the villainous conductor relentlessly drives his spectral train through the night, collecting lost souls bound for an eerie destination. Passengers aboard his ghostly locomotive are condemned to an eternal journey on the cursed track, their agonized screams echoing through the dark, twisted, tunnels as they become part of the conductor's sinister spectral orchestra.


    There's a lot to unpack here, so away we go. I started with putting several layers of characters on top of each other. The bottom most layer is a LoREZ Skeleton. Followed by Grimskull, then Cursed HD at the outermost layer. I had to mess around a ton with the opacity and emissions of this stacking idea to get things visually appealing. In addition to stacking them, I added smoothing modifiers so they would interact with each other to get the idea of the bones sticking out. To complete the ensemble... the conductor is wearing dForce Lighthouse Keeper, Old Jeb HD Hair, and M3DZ Zombie Hair Set. I adjusted the symbol on the conductor's hat to be an upside-down pentagram. In the background, I used three Parkside items. Parkside Cargo and Parkside Passenger Car make up the train and the tracks (side note, had to go and purchase the Passenger Car because the Cargo section didn't have a track... heads up!). There is a gate just to the left of the conductor from Parkside Heath. In the far left and back, is the model Reparation. Finally got to use this one, had it for a while. The terrain is just the hilly and flat sections from Mega Terrain: Swampland. The trees are from Goresskull Copse Halloween Trees. Creepy buggers. Building the character was the hard part, the background pieces were quite simple. Just plugged them in, got the depth, size, and spacing, then added depth of field and fog.

    These Halloween/Ghost challenges are my favorite; unfortunately, this is the only one I'll be able to submit this year.


    Ghost Conductor 1 JPG 3.jpg
    3600 x 2700 - 4M
  • marconft6 said:


    Nice entry!

    Very interesting with the stacking idea. However, i do not understand the need for smoothing.
    Did you parent the figures to each other and then set collisions amongst them?

  • Hellkitty742Hellkitty742 Posts: 68
    edited October 2023

    This is my Submission for the Beginner challenge ..In attempts to create an overall atmosphere using lighting and posing and enviromental as well as compsition 

    Title: Succubus Chained

    I have to set up my gallery I will try to edit this post with the link to my gallery and a larger version when completed but here is the submission for beginner. I think i covered the concept or concepts you were looking for ..if not i can always make adjustments or submit another..fingers crossed. I made this charachter to go with my original charachter which is my version of a warlock in the game World of Warcraft...this is her minion "Minx" a succubus. I am trying to attach a version big enough to see clearer so bear with me. 

    Succubus ce rz 2500.jpg
    2500 x 1875 - 6M
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • dreamcatcherphoto said:

    I have to set up my gallery I will try to edit this post with the link to my gallery and a larger version when completed but here is the submission for beginner. I think i covered the concept or concepts you were looking for ..if not i can always make adjustments or submit another..fingers crossed. I made this charachter to go with my original charachter which is my version of a warlock in the game World of Warcraft...this is her minion "Minx" a succubus.

    You could open the picture you uploaded, copy its adress and then edit your post to add a picture...  enter the adress you had just copied.
    Thats how i do it most of the time when the picture is not uploaded to my gallery yet.

  • I think i did that right...lol sorry the process here is new. Thank you so much for your help.


  • f.boschanskif.boschanski Posts: 188
    edited October 2023

    dreamcatcherphoto said:

    I think i did that right...lol sorry the process here is new. Thank you so much for your help.


     well... no picture in your post, apart from the attachements. therefore ...

    1024 x 445 - 55K
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    Post edited by f.boschanski on
  • Ok there that seemed to work on my end ...are you seeing it now in the original post?

  • f.boschanskif.boschanski Posts: 188
    edited October 2023

    dreamcatcherphoto said:

    Ok there that seemed to work on my end ...are you seeing it now in the original post?


    btw.: nice picture, well done.

    EDIT: you probably need to add info on what category you wish it to enter..

    Post edited by f.boschanski on
  • f.boschanski said:

    dreamcatcherphoto said:

    Ok there that seemed to work on my end ...are you seeing it now in the original post?


    btw.: nice picture, well done.

    EDIT: you probably need to add info on what category you wish it to enter..

    I edited the info on the submission ...hopefully thats correct as to what i was entering ...I have never posted and i started using 3d rendering about 2 weeks ago  by getting the daz 3d program then some add ons. If you think there is a better category I sure could use some direction as I am clueless on entering challenges here. Thank you so much for the kind words and thank you so much for showing me how to set up my posts better.


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