formerly male content creation thread



  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - just like the previous example of the simple cylinder, use the 3D Primitives menu preset for cylinder.

    - click and drag on the floor to start the cylinder and choose its diameter.  Click and drag again to choose the height.  Click to end.

    - you should have a cylinder at G8M's feet.  In the poperties menu, make sure the X axis value for the cylinder is 0.  Helpful for symmetry later.

    - In polygon selection mode (upper left menu), click any cylinder face.  Use shift and + to expand the selection to select whole cylinder.  There are easier ways but demonstrating the shift + function which is good to know.

    - With the translate/move icon selected (upper left), click the arrow above the cylinder and drag it up to G8M's neck area.

    - Click off the cylinder in a blank area of the screen to deselect all (useful function to know).

    - Turn on symmetry for the X axis in upper right menu.

    - With polygon faces selection on (upper left) shift-select the polygons of the cylinder facing forward and left and low so they can be removed to leave a collar and tail.  See how the right side is selected as a mirror?  Probably hard to see in screenshots, but there is a green plane outlined at the boundary of symmetry.

    - Use delete key to remove selected faces, the mirrored faces also disappear.


    dd04b create cylinder by using 3d primtiive menu and click drag twice also make sure x at zero.jpg
    1869 x 1042 - 514K
    dd05b use shift plus several times to select whole cylinder and prepare to use arrows to translate.jpg
    1901 x 1031 - 580K
    dd06b raise cylinder to neck.jpg
    1898 x 1035 - 439K
    dd07b with symmetry on in x axis select the front bottom faces and other side also sleected.jpg
    1900 x 1035 - 479K
    dd08b delete so have ring and tail.jpg
    1889 x 1033 - 303K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - using shift-select, select the lower portion (tail) of model

    - with translate/move enabled, use arrow keys to pull tail back away from G8M

    - continue to use the selection icons (polygon/edge/vertex) and translation/move to move vertexes to fit G8M, but always outside the mesh

    - in edge selection mode (upper left), shift-select the outer vertical edges of the tail.  Use the translate/move arrows to move the outside edge in x direction to widen the cape

    - using edge selection mode (upper left), select the inner edges of the tail and move them in the X direction to even out the polygons of the tail

    - EDGE TOOLS - we are now going to do more than just move existing points

    - In vertex modeling tab (upper menu), find the edge selection drop down menu.  Find extract around.

    - Select a vertical edge in the tail.  Hit loop to select the entire line to the top of the collar.  Use extract around to add geometry so the tail polygons are not so big.  Two new vertical lines will be created when you click and drag with extract around.

    - For some edge tools, you won't be able to use symmetry.  Turn off symmetry as convenient, but remember to turn it back on!


    dd09b select lower portion and move backward away from G8M.jpg
    1890 x 1034 - 562K
    dd10b used selection and translate tools to move cape closer to neck but points outside G8M.jpg
    1891 x 1042 - 505K
    dd11b keep moving points lines faces until the way you like around neck and back.jpg
    1901 x 1041 - 605K
    dd12b edge select with shift select for back side and pull toward arms.jpg
    1901 x 1030 - 577K
    dd13b selected vertical edge in back under vertex modeling tools chose to extract around both sides and pulled to get more geometry.jpg
    1899 x 1034 - 543K
    dd15b pulled selection with arrows to side.jpg
    1864 x 1032 - 543K
    dd16b repeat to get roughly even lines notice upper back.jpg
    1899 x 1037 - 575K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - At top of tail, select the horizontal edges all the way across.  Use extract along instead of around to add a horizontal slice up toward the collar.  (you could also use the cut tool to achieve a similar result).

    - Continue to select and translate/move new geometry to taste.

    - QUICK EXTRUDE - we will now be extending the cape, not just creating geometry within existing boundaries.

    - Select the bottom row of edges of the cape.

    - In vertex modeling menu, click to activate the icon for quick extrude (leftmost icon within vertex modeling menu).

    - Use translation arrow to pull the cape edge down and see a new row of polygons selected.

    - repeat to extend the cape length to taste.

    - Again, there are other tools, some of which might be more efficient, just keeping it simple for the moment.

    dd17b extract edge upper back or use cut tool would be better and may need symmetry turned off.jpg
    1871 x 1034 - 591K
    dd18b select bottom edge and click loop.jpg
    1841 x 1041 - 530K
    dd19b edge extrude and pull down with arrows.jpg
    1877 x 1042 - 546K
    dd20b repeat until length of cape note hex has better tools but just being simple.jpg
    1888 x 1041 - 459K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - keep selecting and translating and extruding until you have the general shape that you like.

    - make sure all the vertexes of the cape are outside the mesh of G8M


    - In properties tray on right side near the symmetry options, there is a row for smoothing options.

    - click to enable smoothing and set the level to 1.

    - the cape should appear to get more smooth.  However, it may have moved a few areas of the mesh inside G8M.

    - examine the cape and select/move vertexes outside the mesh and eliminate apparent poke through.

    - notice that the dynamic geometry menu (lower right) now as something in it!

    - if you click the lighting bolt in the dynamic geometry menu, it wil convert the smoothing to new polygons.  In our case, the number of polygons will be increased by a factor of 4.

    - also, in the properties tray, upper right, I renamed the mesh "UglyCape", which I probably should have done near the start.

    dd21b select smoothing and level 1 see neck area get smoother.jpg
    1901 x 1037 - 496K
    dd22b lightning bolt dynamic geometry active make sure outside of g8m see dynamic geometry means could be converted.jpg
    1911 x 1040 - 586K
    dd23b clicked lightnin bolt next to dynamic geometry and it converted see mesh more dense.jpg
    1898 x 1037 - 577K
    dd24b renamed as ugly cape g8m.jpg
    1788 x 987 - 429K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    UVMapping and Shader Domains

    - Not going to show shader domains right now because the process is identical to the cylinder example above.  Just use the polygon selection tools to select the areas that you want and set them as new shader domains, remembering to rename them as desired, and assigning materials as desired.  However, I will provide an example later because shader domains are extremely helpful with DForce objects.

    - The UVMapping and Paintng menu is at the top of the Hexagon interface.

    - When you click it, you should go to 2-camera view.  If not go to 2 camera view yourself from lower left options.

    - The right side window should be the UV mapping grid.  If not, choose it yourself.

    - The right side panels (property trays) will display some uvmapping tools.  The + and - are used in creating seams and pins to aid unwrapping if in that mode.

    - Going to use seams to uvmap the cape.  Would be simple except the collar forms a circle

    - select the head icon in the uvmapping menu to go to seams/pins mode instead of one of the presets

    - use the edge selection mode (upper left) to seect the vertical line of edges at the throat of the cape's collar

    - click plus to convert the selection to a seam and it will turn dark blue.

    - for this object, that is all had to do.  Just click the head icon in properties tray (right side by + and -) to unfold the cape.

    - for this simple object, the cape lies flat and fits the uvmap.  I'm not going to bother with further editing for this example

    dd25b gettig ready to uvmap.jpg
    1889 x 1045 - 467K
    dd26b iclicked the head icon and screen divied two left side object and right side uvmap and some description of room.jpg
    1888 x 1036 - 490K
    dd27b selected the front edge and hit loop.jpg
    1903 x 1044 - 484K
    dd28b clicked the little plus sign and my selection turned dark blue for a seam.jpg
    1885 x 1037 - 503K
    dd29b clicked the little head on right side and hex unfolded often need to adjust but this is fine for now.jpg
    1910 x 1007 - 535K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    OK, you should now have a cape model that has no poke-through over default G8M

    When satisfied with its shape, its shading domains, and its UVMap, it is ready to send back to Daz Studio.

    - Use FILE : Send to Daz Studio

    - If Studio is not open yet, you may have to wait for it to load.

    - If Studio is already open with default G8M loaded (hopefully from step one!), then if you toggle to Studio, you should find your cape

    - from here, as far as a static prop goes, you can assign iray shaders and save as a prop just like the cylinder example above.

    - I will show the screenshots for using the cape as a DForce object without conforming first.  However, I need to edit some of the screenshots.

    dd30b FILE SEND TO DAZ STUDIO should fit G8M and can use surfaces tab if desired to adap to Iray as per prior lesson also shader domains prior lesson.jpg
    1899 x 1036 - 431K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    The next steps are using DForce in Studio without converting to a conforming figure.  The outline is on the previous page, but I will show the intermediate steps with screencaps and green arrows when I get a chance to do some more editing.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    Meanwhile, for folks new to vertex modeling, it doesn't matter which program you use.  You will need to learn how to select vertexes, edges, and polygons in that program, move/rotate/scale your selection in that program, add new geometry through extrusions, edge extractions, bridge tools, etc, sweeping along polylines, and similar.  You can use Blender, Silo, Hexagon, or whatever.  A series of posts earlier in the thread attempt to introduce some of these basic concepts.  See here.


    Again, creating the mesh is usually the relatively easy part, even if it seems daunting the first time you do it.  It gets easier very quickly.  And fortunately, Daz has the transfer utility and DForce to make a simple mesh have basic functionality for personal use.  However, for more detailed usage, people will want to learn how to adjust weightmapping, create joint control and full body morphs, paint the model, etc.  We can dive in some of those topics again soon enough.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172
    Diomede said:

    Thank you, @Hiro Protagonist for that very helpful review!  I am going through some SP tutorials now.  If you have other recommendations or suggestions, please continue.

    Thank you, @AllenArt, for sharing your workflow.  I've heard good things about Roadkill elsewhere, but a lot of folks report using UVLayout. Whatever works!  Do ou have a preference for 3D paint programs?

    I'm still a diehard Photoshop user. ;)


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    As promised, here are the intermediate sreenshots for the uglycape dForce simulation from the previous pages. You can find the general overview of the steps in prior posts, but here are some nitty gritty details.

    - In Studio, the uglycape that was modeled in Hexagon and sent across the bridge should be loaded in the same scene as G8M.  You can load from your saved prop duf file if desired.  Quck aside, you could have modeled to a custom shape if you wanted to, but more on that at a later date.

    - Make sure your simulation settings pane is available.

    - In upper right, next to the blue simulate button, there is an icon to brig up the dFore modifier menu

    - In the dFoce modifier menu, want to use : dForce : add dForce modifier : dynamic surface

    - Still in the simulation pane, change the calculation to the timeline instead of the current frame

    - Can confirm creation of dForce object because surfaces pane has additional channels for dynamic settings (scroll down)

    ff39 in scene make sure cape selected.jpg
    1887 x 1043 - 350K
    ff40 in simulation pane click blue simulation button and create dforce dforce modifier dynamic surface.jpg
    1897 x 1008 - 441K
    ff41 in simulation settings chage to use timeline.jpg
    1900 x 1025 - 464K
    ff42b notce that if check surfaces for cape there are now settings for simulation and dynamics.jpg
    1891 x 1006 - 526K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    You can set the simulaiton to taste for violence of motion or draping of a resting figure, etc.

    - for this demonstaiton, I simply hose to apply a pose preset to G8M at the 15th place on the timeline (of 30 default places).

    - to do so, I opened the timeline from the bottom of the Studio interface

    - I dragged the gold triangle from the first frame to the 15th

    - at 15, I applied a pose preset to G8M (choose anything because this is just a test, although avoid having limbs cross themselves or in the body.

    - I returned to the first fame by dragging the gold triangle back to 1

    - Notice that G8M returns to the first pose (default in ths case) because the pose preset is set at 15.  G8M will gradually shift the pose preset through 1-15 then stop.  However, the timeline will be calculated through to 30.

    ff43b i advance timeline to 15.jpg
    1892 x 1004 - 527K
    ff44b apply pose to g8m.jpg
    1920 x 1028 - 517K
    ff45b return to frame 1.jpg
    1920 x 1041 - 518K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    When you have the simulation settings and poses the way you want through the timeline, return to frame 1 and click the blue Simulate button in the simulation settings pane to calculate the dForce results.


    Here is the result at frame 15

    here is the result at frame 30

    ff46b simulation menu simulate.jpg
    1888 x 1041 - 476K
    ff47 DForce at rest.jpg
    1917 x 1018 - 496K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,231

    Part of my ongoing niggle with capes is that you MUST make sure that all the body shapes you want supported in it are within the cape.  One of my big wake up calls to how badly a cape can look initially is you make the cape into a conformer for say Michael 8 but then you deside to dial in a bunch of other shapes to beef him up a bit more... you look at the cape and it looks like it's been through hell and back because none of the other shapes you dialed in have been saved for the cape.  My other issue with capes is that I've had luck with standing positions but you change that position to a flight pose and the cape comes away from the body and regardless of the weight mapping I've done I can't get it to stay locked to the figures collar areas.  I've had better luck making it a parented prop.  Conforming doesn't work very well.  I've even looked at other capes sold here and elsewhere and I don't see anything I've done wrong but apparently I have and I just can't see what it is.  Dynamics are a great work around for most of what I mentioned above but if a person's system can't handle that engine or they just don't want to use dynamics (fill in the blanks) then a conformer or a parented prop with allot of movement morphs are needed to satisfy that customer.  

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    Thanks, @RAMWolff, for pointing out these important issues.  dForce is not going to be the answer for everyone, depending on their system and project.  There is a very good thread on using dForce, and the thread has some helpful oganization.  @RGcincy has generously provided links to the start of each topic.  Alhough many of the topics are for using dForce to drape blankets, curtains, and similar non-clothing items, there are some examples that address clothing content.

    examples thus far


    Creating a Cape

    Mummy Wrappings

    Create a Skirt from a Cone

    Create a Bandeau from a Cylinder

    Create a Dress with Gathered Waist

    How Resolution Affects Simulation Results

    Using Silo 2.5 to Create a Shirt

    Another Sirt Made with Silo

    Flying Cape


    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    Combining Conforming and dForce - still a simple cape, but with multiple shading domains (now you know why I did that with the cylinder)

    In the next couple of posts, I will try to demonstrate how to use multiple shadng domains to control cloth dynamics, and conforming to allow adjustmant of G8M shape

    - One again, I modeled a simple cape in Hexagon.  This time I created shader domains for the collar, the cape, and an "anchor" of polygons at the front of the collar.

    - I used the bridge to send to Daz Studio and confirmed that the cape model does not have poke through

    - I selected the cape and used the transfer utility to make it a conforming figure

    - The source object is G8M and the target object is the cape model

    - The cape now has a bone structure like G8M

    aa01b 2nd cape model in hexagon see list of shading domains.jpg
    1836 x 1040 - 470K
    aa02b 2nd cape in daz studio.jpg
    1907 x 1014 - 392K
    aa03b transfer utility right side mars arrow source g8m and target capeg8m01.jpg
    1918 x 1019 - 453K
    aa04b see g8m is now a conforming figure.jpg
    1920 x 1022 - 437K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - make sure cape is selected and simulation settings tab is available

    - use the drop down menu next to the blue simulate button to create a dForce modifier, dForce, dyamic surface for the cape

    - in the surfaces pane, see shader domains have dynamic options.  Set anchor dynamic to 0, which excludes those polygons from draping  The anchor polygons will behave like a conforming figure during the simulation calculation

    - set the cape surface dynamic to 1, which will allow the cape to drape even though the anchor is conformng

    - choose the collar to taste, in this it is set to 1 so that the collar will drape during the simulation.  

    - I changed the anchor shader to be different just for this test so can track conforming vs draping

    aa05b make sure new ape selected and surfaces tab is available.jpg
    1916 x 1015 - 393K
    aa06b see the surfaces tab shader domains anchor cape collar can convert to iray if desired.jpg
    1902 x 1019 - 469K
    aa07b simulation settings pane side menu next to blue button create dforce dynamic surface.jpg
    1885 x 983 - 524K
    aa08b anchor surfaces set dynamic to 0.jpg
    1906 x 1004 - 514K
    aa09b surfaces for cape set to 1.jpg
    1915 x 970 - 488K
    aa10b collar surface set dynamic to 1 this test.jpg
    1920 x 981 - 514K
    aa11 set anchor color diferent just so can keep trck.JPG
    1920 x 1007 - 237K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - In simulation pane, set frames to calclate to animated timeline

    - select G8M in the scene tab and advance timeline to 15 (pull timeline up from bottom of interface)

    - apply a pose preset to G8M at frame 15.  See the cape try to conform.  Yuck!

    aa12b animation settings change frames to simulate to animated timeline.jpg
    1920 x 1009 - 565K
    aa13b select g8m and go to frame 15.jpg
    1920 x 1009 - 507K
    aa14b apply a pose preset yuck see how awful.jpg
    1920 x 941 - 541K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - return the timeline to frame 1.  The G8M and cape return to original poses

    - In simulation pane, click the blue Simulate button

    - See at frame 15 the cape looks much improved compared to conforming!

     See rame 30 the cape drapes down to rest

    aa15b return to frame 1 and see default poses.jpg
    1920 x 1019 - 544K
    aa16b simulate see frame 15 much better than conformed.jpg
    1916 x 1013 - 561K
    aa17b see frame 30 drape and fold some more.jpg
    1920 x 1010 - 494K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - go back to frame 1 and select G8M

    - for this test, dialed Michael 8 to 1.  See the cape distort with the G8M full bodymorph

    - simulation pane is still using the timeline

    - click the blue Simulate button

    - at frame 15 the cape has draped resulting in a much less distorted outcome.  Effectiveness will depend on the extremity of the full body morphs.

    aa18b go back to frame 1 and select g8m.jpg
    1912 x 1020 - 429K
    aa19b apply michael 8 dial to g8m change heght etc cape conforms but wrinkles an waves with body.jpg
    1918 x 1018 - 514K
    aa20b smulation pane still using timeline.jpg
    1920 x 1009 - 497K
    aa21 michael 8 at frame 15 see wrinkles smoothed by dynamic drape calculation.JPG
    1920 x 1012 - 271K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    - frame 30, cape drapes to rest, again, the distortion is much less 

    - the idea is that yo can have clothing items that partially conform and partially drape

    - this could be good to have a conforming belt with pants that drape

    - another advantage is that the garment can change shape with the figure like confoming but then use dForce to reduce distortion

    Frame 15 with Michael 8 at 100%

    Frame 30 with Michael 8 at 100%

    aa22b michael 8 drape at fame 30.jpg
    1911 x 1004 - 505K
    aa23b idea is you could have a medallion or whatever as the anchor and or havepart of the cape under a edallion as part of the anchor.jpg
    1919 x 1007 - 545K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    @RAMWolff - I hope this example gives some ideas for having the cape conform to the figure's collar and still drape over the back in a fighting pose.  And, as long as the full body morphs are not too extreme, the dForce drape simulation will smooth out a lot of distortion.

  • MollytabbyMollytabby Posts: 1,163

    @Diomede I’m really sorry but I’m not keeping up with the class. My plans for yesterday went all wrong and my next week is committed to sorting some paperwork and one or two other things I’ve been putting off. So I plan to clear the decks and then pick this up. If I try to do too many things at once I stress.

     I am following along with reading the thread and learning a lot, thank you for all the detailed explanations and screenshots. For now I’ll cheer from the back of the class and occasionally put my hand up to ask a question smiley

  • ZyloxZylox Posts: 787

    @Diomede I’m really sorry but I’m not keeping up with the class. My plans for yesterday went all wrong and my next week is committed to sorting some paperwork and one or two other things I’ve been putting off. So I plan to clear the decks and then pick this up. If I try to do too many things at once I stress.

     I am following along with reading the thread and learning a lot, thank you for all the detailed explanations and screenshots. For now I’ll cheer from the back of the class and occasionally put my hand up to ask a question smiley

    I am in a similar position. I won't be able to complete the tutorials I already own until sometime in August. At that point I will need more information on how to do uv mapping, weight mapping, and joint control morphs. After that, I will come back to this thread for info on preparing clothes for dForce and more advanced topics.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    @MollyTabby and @Zylox - not really a class, LOL, because I am no expert, especially with Studio.  Just a place to share works-in-progress related to content creation.  I hope you share some of your progress as well, whether it is tutorials or whatever.

  • MollytabbyMollytabby Posts: 1,163

    I’ll definitely share @Diomede smiley

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221


    Here, I modeled a war kilt for G8M with a leather belt and leather straps.  In this case, I did pay attention to details such as modeling to give the edges a sense of thickness and a clean uvmap.  I also assigned shading domains, for later dForce use.

    - I modeled the war kilt around G8M base.  You can do it in any modeling software.  I used Carrara, but I sent to Hexagon to show that it could have been done there.  Screenshot shows shading domains list and mesh.

    - I imported the war kilt in Studio and and confirmed that the scale fit G8M.

    - I used the transfer utility to convert the static war kilt object to a conforming figure.  G8M is the source object and the war kilt is the target object.

    - I used a knee length dress template for G8M as part of the transfer utlity.

    - I confirmed that the war kilt is now a conforming figure and saved it out as a support asset (after applying some iray shader presets).

    - bending G8M's left thigh in x rotation also bends the war kilt 


    aa01 model war kilt in hexagon with shader domains.JPG
    1907 x 1043 - 210K
    aa02 load war kilt in daz studio fits g8m.JPG
    1920 x 851 - 187K
    aa03 apply some iray shader presets to make look nice.JPG
    1919 x 837 - 193K
    aa04 use transfer utility source is g8m target is war kilt and use knee length dress template if available.JPG
    1918 x 1012 - 245K
    aa05 confirm now a conforming figure bend left thigh see template helped but still could improve.JPG
    1889 x 1028 - 217K
  • MollytabbyMollytabby Posts: 1,163

    That looks interesting and something I’d like to attempt in the future. 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    To weight map, need to enable the smoothing brushes.  Find these in the weight brush node editor.  You will have to have the weight brush node editor icon enabled from the top menu and the tool settings pane open.

    Rotate the G8M joint you want to adjust the cloth weightmap for.  Typically, for a skirt, the weights around the top of the thighs need adjustment, although the skirt template helps in this case.

    Select the same joint on the cloth object.  In the weightmap tool settings pane, select the same rotation and general in lower half of tool settings.

    The weight brushes are in the upper part of the weightbrush node tool settings pane.  Adjust the sensitivity of the brush to taste.

    The cloth object will turn blue and red.  This represents the current weights, with red equalling greater influence and blue equalling lesser influence.  Typically, you want a relatively smooth transition for no influence to blue, and from blue to red.  Harsh transitions cause ugly cloth cliffs.  

    Clicking and dragging the weightmap brush tool over an area adds influence (shifts from no inluence to blue, or from blue toward red).

    Holding ALT while brushing will reduce influence (shift from red to blue or from blue to no influence).

    Weightpainting can involve adjusting these blue/red weightmaps for each joint in each axis - bend, twist, rotate. 


    aa08 make sure left thgh bend selected.JPG
    702 x 900 - 66K
    aa09 select general weight and x rotation t match how rotated andwar kilt turn blue and red.JPG
    1612 x 976 - 291K
    aa10 adjust sensitivity and paint to increase red or hold alt while paint which reduces weight from red to blue.JPG
    1912 x 1024 - 316K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    @MollyTabby - You will be able to do this very soon!


    Applying dForce to the war kilt figure.

    Unlike the cape example above, I plan to use the default "current frame" option for dForce simulation instead of the timeline.

    Here I did a test of dForce for the war kilt.  Potentially, the leather straps and the buckle could create issues.  The leather straps are a potential issue because they are layered over the fabric of the kilt.  The buckle could be an issue because don't want it to drape with dForce applied.

    - I selected the war kilt conforming figure.

    - In the simulation settings pane, I used the drop down menu to create a dForce dynamic surface object

    - In the surfaces pane, I excluded the belt and the buckle from the dForce drape by setting dynamic to 0.

    - As a test, I reduced the leather strap dynamic to 0.5.  My idea was to make the straps more stiff while being too lazy to adjust stiffness settings.  laugh

    - I selected G8M and applied a pose preset in current frame (I did not advance the timeline).

    - I did the simulation.  No explosions.  Yay!  The straps did appear to my eye to be less flimsy than the fabric.

    aa11 dforce start select war kilt figure and go to smulation pane.JPG
    1916 x 1014 - 224K
    aa12 simulation dforce add dforce dynamic surface.JPG
    1901 x 987 - 220K
    aa13 reduce belt dforce dynamic to 0.JPG
    1920 x 1016 - 245K
    aa14 apply pose to g8m in this single frame.JPG
    1637 x 990 - 246K
    aa16 straps more solid than skirt fabric.JPG
    1321 x 997 - 195K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited July 2018

    For more detailed information on rigging, bones, and weightmaps, folks might want to follow Novica's thread on rigging figures.  While it is more focused on rigging a new person/creature/prop than conforming clothing, many of the same concepts apply.  Thank you, @Novica.  See here.


    I also recommend Josh Darling's youtube tutorials

    especially Josh's tutorial for JCMs



    Post edited by Diomede on
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